Chapter 5- Kindred Spirits.

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"She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew."
― ,

"We are kindred spirits, you and I... One day you will realize you don't have to fight your nature. You can live your life freely... I want to be there when that happens."
― ,

He has no idea what made him do this... well that's not exactly true he does, only he could figure out no other way to go about this. Therefore, he did what occurred to him as the most natural thing in the world – he asked her to meet up for a cup of coffee.

Okay so he is taking a leaf out of her book right now, but hey, she aped him too! Her idea to thank him in Punjabi was not exactly original to begin with.

He is nervous and excited, scared and confused. They do not do this; he was NEVER into something like this. He has had no girlfriends, the only woman he ever was romantically involved with is his ex, and with them, things were different, drastically so.

Shagun' idea of spending quality time together involved shopping, dining at expensive restaurants and rubbing shoulders with the who' who of the society once he landed the job at Ashok' company where she was introduced to the world of page 3 socialites and the rich and famous.

There was no courtship or dating between them before marriage and post it any time they spent together outside of their bedroom was never about just them. Well it had not been about them once she had conceived Adi as well, post that things just started going downhill slow and steady. The honeymoon period of their marriage lasted barely six months.

He is not on a date here with Ishita, but he feels as nervous as a teenage boy out on his first date nonetheless.

He wants to talk to her, be with her. Watching her so disheartened last night did not bode well with him, she... she is the liveliest person he knows and being with her makes him feel alive too. Arguing with her, making fun of her, teasing her has become so vital to him in just a matter of months that he cannot imagine his life now without it. However, all that takes a life of its own because of that constant smile on her face; her zest and the fact that in her he finds a worthy opponent to spar with.

She became the first person to outwit him in such a long time! She surprised him on the day of Mihir' supposed engagement with Trisha. She had done it with the simplest, the oldest trick in the book too – bribery. Sure, he had not been amused with the turn of events because she was unknowingly interfering in his plans but once things worked out and he had a chance to reflect upon all that happened, he can say it would not have been possible perhaps without her meddling. Not to mention the fact she had been so different with him, she had been a tease.

He had grouched at the time, but recollecting the moment when she opened her cards to him as she playfully hit his shoulder and then his arm while uttering the word naughty, especially her tone – the implication of it... it makes him blush here, in a crowded coffee shop. His wife had subtly flirted with him that day, that too publicly. Oh, he could have never guessed she had it in her before that event.

The prim and proper Ishita Iyer Bhalla has spunk all right, lots of it he admits.

He has been flirted with before, but no woman has had her charm when doing it. Nor has any seemed as attractive to him. He does not recollect giving any of those women a second look. She had managed to knock his socks off wearing even a gaudy necklace and carrying it with aplomb and grace that day, looking dazzling dressed in that blue and purple sari and having her hair in a bun.

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