Bad Thoughts

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Days go by. Maybe even a week. Every day the same thoughts run through my head.

She's going to die.

She's probably already dead.

I should have done something. Anything.

I'm a terrible mother.

I'll never have another child.

I can never replace the love I had for her.

I'm going to die alone.

I ruined my life.

I ruined Willow's life.

I ruined Rye's life.

I ruined Peeta's life.

I ruined everything.

When the Games end I'll be expecting her lifeless body in a wooden box, exactly like Rye's did.

The phone ringing startles me, I choose to ignore it, knowing its not important. Probably just someone calling to tell me Willow died.

It doesn't stop ringing. It just continues on and on and on. I finally get a headache and angrily answer the phone.

"What?! What could you possibly want?!"

"Hey Catnip." Gale, still using his pet name for me.



"On what?"

"Willow. She won."

(A/N: So I have no idea if I'm going to continue this anymore.... But if you give me feedback and like this I will continue to write more and post! -claps- No, seriously. I want feedback. You better comment...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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