faded memories

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Adela San Juan was the richest girl in San Moverro high,but she wasn't the most popular. Struggling with the most unsociable life,zero love life,her overprotective parents and the weirdest two friends, she seemed unnoticed,she thought.
Despite having a Benz to herself and more than a thousand dollars in her bank account,she wanted to be a clone of Debbie Anders; she'd admired Debbie Anders since her first day in San Moverro high, she'd thought she'd go crazy if she says no word to Debbie and her best friend Sara...but she didnt ,she only admired them from a distance, a distance so very far from Debbie;and now they all were in their senior year.

"OK here's one thing about San moverro high,it didn't matter how rich your were or how pretty you looked,if you weren't Debbie Anders or at least get acknowledged by her with just a wave, you were a 'NOBODY', specifying on that word,Adela told Jade Dante,her supposed best friend as they proceeded to an empty table at the cafeteria,they had just rounded up an awesome history class,which happened to be her favorite class; Jade had been one out of the two friends Adela had when she first came to San Moverro high and she still is;point is they were only friends because Adela had no friends when she first started and she wasn't interested in having either,they just pushed too much and she had no other choice than to friends with them and of course she had to listen to her mother,she could hear her mother's voice in her mind everyday when driving to school when she started newly "make some friends or you'd be lonely"
And she didn't want to be lonely;actually that was the worst decision she made all her life,of all her wrong decisions;as she'd roughly pasted the meme on the wall in her room which read: 'Adela of wrong decisions' ;she reminded herself of how popular she could have been if she hadn't listened to the 'sad girl' lines Jade told her of Debbie and Sara,she would have joined the campaign team for Debbie when she ran for student's buddy president, she would have blended easily because she was filthy rich,but she simply rejected the offer by just a stare at Jade's sad eyes,the defeated girl look which read negativity and pessimism, and she fell for it,but just before she could snap out of it and give a yes, the girls turned and left,without giving her two minutes at least to think it through,she could Still recall the charm in her eyes,those Grey cute eyes and the pretty way she styled her hair,no wonder everyone fell for her. She could have run after her but she remembered the principle of her father not to run after anybody,but she would had still run after her if Jade didn't remind her of the help she promised to offer,she retreated because she had to help Jade with her project on history, and that was it,a lost chance. "She's just too pretty",Tomas Quinto added as he stuffed some meatballs into his tinny mouth;Tomas the fatty as he was called by all including his two best buddies,another wrong choice made by Adela as she always thought whenever she laid eyes on him every morning, but he was hella' smart and he didn't seem to care about his looks,Adela always thought he was a better person than Jade because he was actually brave and he always held his self esteem high,"Jade doesn't even look at people in their faces" she always thought out loud.she wasn't in the right position to judge either,she couldn't tell her 'friends' how she truly felt about them,how much they irritated her and made her life more miserable as the cock crowed.
"Ok guys,stop it" she said ,"I mean,who really cares about what people think about you in high school, the real world is waiting out there,we all aren't gonna go to some college, Debbie might not even get accepted in any college just like some of us or THEM, aren't actually gonna get admitted. so really the high school buzz is really no big deal" she ended her statement with a sigh and added "oh god,I'm finally talking like Jade,but you all should just let it go....she isn't that pretty either... "She finally ended,but within herself,she knew she had just given out a big lie,she'd do anything just to hang out with Debbie Anderson "anything to make these people not to give up on their selves....like I haven't given up on my self since my first week here",she thought. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're like the richest girl in this school and your parents are the most elite in this town but you aren't popular, nobody actually cares about what your name is" Tomas blurted out "nor your Benz" Jade said and the two burst into a loud laughter, she giggled,then sterned her gesture,"alright guys,I'm going for a music class."they stared at her sarcastically "I lied,going to the library, that's why nobody notices how rich I am....maybe" she added and all three burst into another round of laughter,but this time it was louder."joining a music class in senior year is so lame, it's been two years since you got transferred here and you didn't involve yourself socially,what's the point joining now,"Jade said " I would have joined if you didn't tell me one of your gloomy tales" she said mimicking the tone of Jade's sad voice, at that point she regretted more than ever why in the world she let herself to be so influenced by someone who adds nothing in particular to her entire existence. She stood up and bade them a brief farewell. Nobody noticed her because of the uncool people around her,so stuck up at a corner at the library giving no room for new friends,she'd lived that life and now she wanted a change,but wasn't it too late for that?, she thought as she made her way to the library


"Yeah,mom I gotta get going,I'm running out of time,tell Dad I'll give him a call as soon as I get to the Art gallery and please tell Robin not to go into my bedroom,love you".
Adela said to her mom emphatically as she rushed into her car as if she was being chased by a tornado.
The rays of the sun could have blinded her eyes if she hadn't worn her favorite sun glasses, it was a sunny afternoon Sunday and she played some country music as she carefully drove down to the Rogers' Art Gallery.

Debbie was sitting at a bench almost in the center of the shopping center in the heart of San Moverro,looking

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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