Chapter One: Death

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Lucy's P.O.V

I heard a noise. I got straight up, and grabbed the closest thing to me. Thank god there was a knife beside me.
I was about to kiss it but I realised that would cut my lips.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I yelled, trying to sound as tough as can be.

A blue dragon came out the shadows.

"Come with me, Miss.Heartfilia, or I will have to take you by force." She said smiling, holding her paw out, hoping I would grab it.
"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked, grinning. She just smiled.

"Your mother, Layla.. Huh?"
"She wasn't your mother-"
"Who the hell could it have been??!" I asked.
"Me, darling."
"Y-you're a dragon! If you're my mother, wouldn't I be a dragon too? And why was I with her?"
"All these questions will be answered tomorrow, Lucy." She smiled. I nodded.
She gave me enough information for me to not go. I nodded, grabbing her paw. She teleported into some sort of forest.

"What.. Why here?"

"To give you personal info, Vanti."
"Yes. Vanti is my second name, meaning it is yours too."
" After I had you, a war happened, us against vampires. They had teamed up with werewolves. Even my best friend betrayed us.. I took you to the human world, through my portal. I saw the woman you called mom each day. I told her there was a war where I lived and for her and her... husband to take care of you."
"Unfortunately they didn't want to give you up, so they moved."
"That's why they moved? So I couldn't see my real mother? How pathetic of them."
"Now now, don't feel that way about them, they cared for you all these years."
"Dad didn't. If I can even call him my dad.."
"Lucy.. dear.."
"I picked the name Lucy, your father lied to you. They didn't see a broken sign that said Lucy. They told you lies. I was the one that saw it."
"How? Why?"
"Hehe. I know your confused, honey. They didn't die. They are alive somewhere in this world. They finally decided to give you up before I looked for them. After the war, I wanted my poor baby back.. But they had moved."
"They are bastards." I said, gripping the leaves, then ripping them.
"Lucy.. Dear. Don't worry. You can say your final good bye to them soon."
"Hhehehe! Even if I am your mother, I am getting revenge."
"N-no! Whatever you're thinking, I bet is a terrible idea!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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