An old friend(Kakashi Hatake)

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Name: Kira Hosikay

Looks: Waist length red hair with dark blue eyes

Age: Same as Kakashi

Lemon: no


"Come on Kira-chan! you can do it! " My best friend, Mizu, encouraged me from where she stood beside a tree.

I was currently aiming a kunai at a target, I really needed to practice since I really suck at it...

Taking a deep breath, I threw the kunai with all my strength, only to have it fly past and into the Bushes behind it.I softly softly and hung my head in defeat, I was getting nowhere with this! How can I expect to be a ninja when I can't even throw a damn kunai! I should just give up already...

"You missed again Baka" Someone said from behind me, causing me to jump and quickly turn around.

A scowl formed on my face when I saw a smirking Kakashi, or I think he was smirking, I really couldn't really tell with that damn mask!

Shaking my head slightly, my eyes narrowed into a glare directed at the young jounin "What do you want Kaka-baka? "

He crossed his arm and looked at me with bored and uncaring eyes "I came to train, then I saw you you fail at being a ninja" he said matter-of-factly.

I growled at him then lowered my gaze to the ground, allowing my hair to fall infront of my face, he was right, I failed as a ninja. I suddenly looked up at him and glared harshly "Just you wait! someday I'll be better then you! I'll kick your ass and make you regret ever being mea to me! " I yelled at him before I turned on my heel and ran away from him, silent tears fell down my cheeks while I ran.

I don't know for how long I was running, but when I bumped into someone and looked up at the sky, it was dark.

"Excuse me, but-" the person I bumped into spoke in a soft voice, but stopped when she looked down at me "Kira?" it was my mother, and a frown marred her beautiful face when she saw my tears stained face.

She crouched down and wrapped her arms around me while I buried my face against her shoulder "What's wrong dear? " she asked as she gently stroked my hair.

"Kaka-baka.." I mumbled, then sniffed and tried to wipe away my tears.

My mother sighed softly then pulled away to look me in the eye "Listen Kira... don't believe anything he says, and soon you don't have to be bothered with him" I became confused by this , what did she mean?

"Why Oka-san? " I asked her while tilting my head slightly to the side in confusion.

She smiled softly at me before she replied "Because we're moving" that hit me like a ton of bricks, we're moving? but why? I didn't ask though, I knew not to question my parents.

"W...when? " I asked her in a shaky voice.

"Next week"


I looked back at Konoha with a sad smile, then at my crying best friend.She suddenly jumped on me and hugged me tightly "I... I'll M..miss! " she chocked out while cutting off my oxygen.

"Can't.. breath.. need.. air.." She immediately released me and grinned sheepishly

"Sorry about that.. it's just... I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO! " and then she started crying again.I just smiled sadly then adjusted the bag on my back "I don't want to leave either, but I have to Mi-chan!"

"So... the ninja failure is leaving" my smile tugged into a scowl when I heard the voice of none other then Kakashi Hatake.

"What do you want Kaka-baka?!" I growled at him while glaring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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