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'If it doesn't kill you, it'll only make you stronger..."

-at one point- at 8 - Griffin was attending a muggle school to stay with the non-wizarding curriculum whilst she was unaware of Hogwarts. She had been insulted due to a cut she'd received a few days prior.  They called her nasty things no one would have expected.
She had smiled and nodded before they walked away agitated that she didn't care a single bit. But she did. She had slowly skipped her way to the washrooms, locking the door and falling against the door. She'd cried for hours.
She has never cried since.

-when she had received her suit- her father telling her about her apprenticeship in being his sidekick- she'd become so jovial she had ended up falling into a nearby lake... too concentrated on the mask to notice until it occurred.

-Griffin loves photography.
When she had been out sight seeing with her father, they had been called into action however whilst fighting a car had run over the camera she had seemed to drop. She had stood there stunned until it suddenly flew up and mended itself.
That was her first full fledged and longest lasting magic without intentions.

-going to attend Hogwarts, Griffin had missed a day of classes a month, tarnishing her record. However she still made it onto the Quidditch team and made sure to attend and compete in every match. Because it was the one thing that had given her a shot and she wasn't letting her team down, because to her life was full of sacrifices.

-she used to be compared to her cousins all the time and she didn't like it very much. But she kept a smile on her face making sure to sound polite. However at one point they had insulted her father saying that he was no example to follow..... she had thrown a book from the bookshelf she was looking through at her aunt.
If there was one thing she regretted- it was that she threw one of her favourites.
They could insult her all they wanted and she'd thank them. But they weren't allowed to talk like that about her dad.

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