Chapter 3

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"Bye mom!" Phil shouts into his house before closing the door and begins his walking journey to school.

He can't help but skipping as he enjoys himself into the beauty of nature along the pathway. He can smell the kind of air that can only be produce by tons of leaves combined from the majestic trees lining up at his two sides. It makes him feel like a crowned King walking down the endless red carpet whilst tall guards with guns stand straight-back along his two sides protecting him, the difference is that his guards are trees with leaves as shields blocking most of the warm sunlight from him.

Some sparrows come to a rest on the branches and tweet songs that only birds can understand; butterflies flap their beautiful patterned tattoo wings that could be designed by fairies, spinning round and round small colorful flowers that creep out under the legs of benches.

"Help!" Phil suddenly hears a faint cry coming out of nowhere. He stops for awhile, before shaking his head and just go on as he thought he is just imagining it.

Then another cry came along, but this time he can tell it's coming from his right. He turns his head and looks up to see a boy on a tree, who is hugging tightly onto one of the tree's thick branches, looking down at his own pair of round blue eyes. Phil blinks his eyes multiple times in utter  disbelievement.

"Hey, can you erm stop just standing there after noticing me here? Help me to get down, please?" the boy above shouts, as if scared that Phil under him can't hear himself.

"O-oh, right," Phil stutters and steps under the tree that the boy is stuck on. He shrugs off his galaxy backpack and puts it aside, then holds out his arms out, "Here! jump down and I'll catch you!"

"Wh-what?! You're expecting me to jump down? Ju-just like that? Do you have any idea of how high I am from the ground?" the boy exclaims, feared the idea of falling and breaking his arms or legs or both. "Can't you like, get a ladder or something?" he suggests.

"As you can see tree boy, I'm about to be late for school so there's no time for me to go back home and get if for you. Therefore, this is your only choice," Phil retorts, eyeing his spread out his arms before continuing, "or I'm leaving."

"Are you threatening me? But I don't trust your arms, they look weak, to be honest." the tree boy spouts, staring at Phil's slim pale arms. Phil simply bites his bottom lip before turning around and pretend to walk away.

The tree boy panics after seeing the raven haired boy's actions, "Okay, okay! I'll... I'll jump, ju-just don't leave me here..." Phil grins to himself in victory, then turns back to spread out his arms again as a trampoline for the what he calls 'tree boy' to fall into.

"Okay, when I count down to three, you'll jump, are you ready?" Phil conducts. The tree boy exhales deeply, before slowly untangles himself from his branch and sits on it, "R-ready."

"One, two..." the tree boy closes his eyes then with a deep breath, pushes himself off the branch, "THREE!!" the tree boy's weight strikes Phil vigorously, causing Phil who is unable to hold his own balance anymore, collapse onto the ground with him.

Dead brownish leaves on the ground got pushed up by the force, then swings down swiftly around them.

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