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so, what would pipercy sleepovers consist of?

one, prank calls. one for jason, one for annabeth, even double the prank calls for the stolls. no one could beat them at their game.

two, food. lots of junk food, may i add. the pizza delivery guy would look so confused when he only sees percy open the door, with piper behind him. he would think to himself, "hey, isn't this a party? why would they buy so many boxes if it wasn't one?"

three, movies. disney movies, to be precise. from belle and the beast to the little mermaid, they watch every single disney movie which exists, twice, and can easily quote a line from every one.

four, karaoke. what kind of a sleepover would it be if the music wasn't turnt up? they wouldn't even censor the bad words in every line.

and lastly, five, a heart to heart session. they had their own ways to cope with their anger, sadness, anxiety, and those sleepover fun would come to an end with these special talks, where they could just share whatever they've bottle inside, without hesitation.

yes, these were the five main items in the pipercy sleepovers.

im so proud of the new cover, cAN I GET A HOYAAAAAAAAA

read mi new book pls lol bye love u

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