Skeletal wedding

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Sans was nervous. He NEVER got nervous. He never even got nervous when he had to fight a demon child from hell. And that was terrifying. He was scared of a wedding. Yes, a wedding. He pulled on a midnight black tuxedo and actually put shoes on. He insisted on wearing slippers, but his younger brother forced him to wear shoes.  Sans was not prepared for the day he would marry his human love, Frisk. She was perfect in every way to him. She was kind, brave, and filled with determination. And taller than the short skeleton. She towered over him by at least a few feet. This bothered Sans a bit, but not too badly. He was trying to figure out how to put on a bow tie when he heard knocking at his door.

"It's open", called Sans as he sloppily tied his bow tie into a loose knot.

A tall thin skeleton walked in the room, with a not quite as tall, red headed fish girl right behind him.


"Yeah, dude, you look like a freakin mess! I'm not even gonna ask what happened with your bow tie...", said Undyne.

Papyrus crouched to his short brother's level and tied the bow perfectly. Sans looked up to his brother and said

"Wow bro, you really BOW how to tie a knot. You gotta teach me, because I do KNOT now how to tie worth crap."

While the smaller skeleton chuckled, both the tall skeleton and the blue fish groaned from hearing the bad puns.

"JUST BE READY IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES.", called Papyrus as he walked out of the room. Undyne took a look at Sans and groaned again.

"I'm gonna have nightmares from those stupid jokes..."

Sans chuckled as he watched her leave the room as well. He made himself presentable and then took a look in the mirror. His smile was wide, as usual, and even though his eye sockets looked tired, he was actually awake for once. It could be his nervousness or excitement for the big day, but it didn't matter. He was ready to go and get himself a wife.
He grabbed his bottle of ketchup on the way out of the room, and casually strutted down the hallway to meet with the others.


Frisk curled her now long brown hair and tried to do her makeup at the same time. She put the curler down and began to apply mascara when she heard a high pitched voice cuss something nasty. She turned her head and saw a tiny yellow flower try to tie a tie with leaves. Frisk tied his tie for him and wrapped it around the flowerpot which the flower sat in.

"If you need help, you should just ask, Flowey.", said her soft gentle voice.

The flower rolled his eyes. Frisk smiled and continued to do her hair. She heard the chattering of both monsters and humans in the big room where the wedding will be held. There were over 300 people there, including the people who would be watching the wedding in their TV. This wedding was important because it was the first wedding between a human and a monster. She felt the cold feeling of terror form in her heart. Frisk HATED being on TV. True, she had starred in Mettaton's show when she was younger, but there not a lot of monsters watching. But now, over a thousand humans and over a thousand monsters would watch this wedding. She was scared she would somehow do something wrong and mess up. Lost in thought, Frisk burnt her finger on the hot curling iron. She then heard the maniacal laughter from a certain homicidal flower.

"Don't burn yourself", snickered Flowey as he messed around with the makeup items. Frisk finished doing her hair and makeup, and then started to put on some white high heels. She picked up the small flowerpot, and walked out of the room.


Sans stood at the altar and stared nothing. He was busy mentally preparing himself for this wedding. He took a look at a camera, broadcasting live for all the people watching from home. He then heard the familiar sound of a piano playing "Here comes the bride". The entire audience turned to the door where a lovely human woman stood. In her hands, she held Flowey, who looked horrified from all the people watching him. She walked down the row of seats and gave the small yellow flower to Toriel. With tears of joy in her eyes, the white goat-like creature whispered

"Do not be afraid, my child. You look beautiful."

Frisk smiled at the compliment and mouthed a thank you. She then continued walking up the row until she stood in front of a sweating skeleton. She looked down on the rather fat skeleton and blushed faintly. Sans looked up at her and did the same. He looked into her dark brown eyes and saw a spark of determination. This melted any nervousness he had and replaced any of his fears with happiness. Sans smile widened.

"We are gathered here today to witness the first ever bonding between a monster and a human.", said the deep voice of none other than King Asgore.

As Asgore talked on, Frisk thought back to the day when she and the skeleton first met. It was the best day of her life. She met all of her best friends, and saved an entire civilization from eternal darkness. All because she tripped on a root. Frisk thought back to Sans, and how absolutely terrifying he was when he first walked up behind her. She sworn he was there to kill her. But instead was pranked. She smiled bigger and sighed softly.

Sans grew bored of Asgore's talking and so he thought about his human fiancé. He often wondered why she dealt with him and his weirdness. Sans was odd in so many ways. His obsession of ketchup was strange. His bad puns made people question him, and his mysterious backstory. Nobody but Papyrus knew a thing about the skeleton. Man, how does Frisk not get curious?, Sans thought to himself.
He knew he would tell her all about his weirdness one day, but not today.

"Sans, do you take this human to be your lawfully wedded wife?", asked the goat-like monster.

"I do", said Sans with confidence in his voice.

"Frisk, do you take this monster to be your lawfully wedded husband?", asked the king once more.

"I do.", said Frisk with determination in her eyes.


"KISS ALREADY!!", shouted Undyne. The yellow lizard-like monster beside her tried to get her to sit back down, but Undyne was really going at it.

Frisk laughed and then bent down to the short skeleton. Then, to Sans surprise, Frisk lifted him up into the air and kissed his teeth. Sans closed his eyes and tried not to blush too hard. Frisk then put Sans back down and heard a major cheering from the audience. Toriel was sobbing, Undyne was cheering, Alphys was clapping, Papyrus was "Nyeh heh heh-ing", and Mettaton was making happy robot noises. Frisk hugged Asgore, who had a few tears in his eyes himself, and hugged her new skeletal husband. Sans hugged her back and was ready to continue a new chapter of his life with the same person who made his life continue in the first place.

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