5.9: Arrival

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A soul-wrenching crash emitted from the ground. The sound of wood bows slowly  splintering, metal squealing and fabric ripping. It almost seemed to happen in a much slower world, rather then it's natural surroundings.

He had arrived.

Atop the foliage, the bright sun was shining down upon the leaves, and glinting from the wings of colourful birds lifting off of their branches. They chatted with each other, occasionally emitting an especially  loud screech. Monkeys swung from vine to vine within the center of the jungle just below the thick canopy. They hooted and hollered at the sky, looking for mates. A patch of pale yellow butterflies ascend from the lush jungle floor and flutter over to land on what seems to be a ship from the sky.

"Curses to forests!"

He waves an abundance of butterflies away from his face as he sorely sits up. The colourful creatures fly away to reveal a scratched and bruised face bathed in golden slivers of sunlight coming from minute cracks between the leaves. His eyes red and puffy from the splinters, and his dark hair matted to his pale forehead. Around him, pieces of the ship he had so tentatively traveled here upon, lay destroyed.

"Three days. Three days on Awyr, and then it's over."

He proceeded to completely elevate himself into a sitting position, and with no visible or major injuries, he proceeds to grab his journal, which was lying on a small bed of moss, and make his way into the bright but obscure jungle.


So long he had been walking that his feet were callused and he had already been lunch to a variety of bloodthirsty insects. His clothes were smudged from his occasional falls. His breath sporadic and uneven. The forest was taking him.

Every vain in his body was now pumping blood to the beat of the forest. From the sound of birds chirping to the soft trickle of the nearby stream. It was within him. He was only slightly aware of all that was happening, partly due to the fact that he was almost boringly used to it. The forest was one of the many things he could connect with, he felt it.

He needed to find it soon, before the sun set. Before the first moon rises. At the edge of his physical and mental capacity, he managed to bend and snap his way through the bushes to his immediate destination. The lake. Large it was, glistening with the now evening sun rays glinting of its reflective surface. He kneeled down and saw his face staring back at him.

He slowly stuck a frail finger into the pristine water...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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