Thirteen Ghosts.

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This is a note!!! for the first few chapters it will be descriptions on the ghosts and then the story will start, don't worry  I will go my fastest.

The First Born Son

"His rebellious attitude, and refusal to accept defeat was a perfect fit for my violent circle of angry spirits." -Cyrus Kriticos

He was the youngest, nobody knows if his death was a mistake or on purpose. His love for western films had grown from his father, he did not see his father alot as he worked away, Billy was a stressed child because of this. Billy not just loved western films but wanted to be a superhero cowboy at the same time.

Billy hated his neighbour who disliked western movies, Billy and the two year older neighbour would often fight or argue because of Billy's stubbornes. Billy's neighbour would provoke Billy my nicknaming him 'Little Billy'. Billy got anything he wanted whenever he wanted, and was often called a brat.

Billy's Death.

The day of Billy's death, he wore his favourite cowboy outfit. He was outside playing with his two favourite play guns. Billy's neighbour then had found a metal arrow in his wardrobe, he played with it outside shooting it at the grass. Billy stood and walked over challenging his neighbour to a duel to the death. They begin to fight and Billy picks up a fake tomahawk and hides behind a bush. Little does he realise his neighbour stands behind him, shooting the arrow. It hits straight through billy's head, killing him instantly.


As a ghost, Billy still is in his favourite cowboy outit with an indian feather on his head. He also is still holding the tomahawk which is now realistic and the arrow still protuding from his head. He is always heard whispering 'I want to play' when he is nearby. Billy, will never attack a human, as he only watches the protagonists patiently, possibly holding them for another ghost to come and kill them.  He likes to taunt others.

This is a note! There Will be a story once I have described each ghost.

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