The Torn Prince

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The Torn Prince

Royce Clayton, was a gifted student. Born in 1940, he was a gifted baseball player, despite his attitude problems and superiority. While still growing up he was offered many scholarships from collages which offered oppurtunities and would take him away from his small little town. Royce was still only seventeen however and didn't want to run his life away with a career. So he spent most of his time drinking and drag racing.


A greaser, named Johnny. Challenged Royce to a drag race, but he had a trick up his sleeve. Johnny knew Royce would not decline his request on a dangerous drag race, so before the race occured Johnny cut off Royce's breakes in the car that he was to use in his race. Royce did not suspect a thing, so while Royce speaded up Johnny knew something was going to happen but could not stop it now. Royce stirred out of control soon flipping over, once flipped over and still going it dragged Royce's body along with it. Once finally the car stopped and they turned the car over, Royce flesh had all been ripped of his chest and right side of his body. Johnny and his friends knew he was dead already.


Their buried Royce's body in a pile of earth overlooking the baseball court, people searched but never found him, his future life was gone. When you see Royce he holds a baseball bat which he swings round and round, and sometimes behind him you will see the shadow of the ruined car that he died in. When The Torn Prince is near you hear sounds of violent and angry wails, his body is still in shreds.

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