When I Was Young And In Love

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"Oh Aria." her mom answers

"what's wrong mom?" Aria walks up to her mom and kneels down beside her grabbing her hand.

"your dad.. he.." her mom starts to sob

"oh mom don't worry about that. here, i'll make some soup" Aria says as she stands up and turns on the stove.

"i have some good news too" says Aria

"really? what kind of news?" replies Aria's mom whiping away the tears.

"well.. there's this boy.." says Aria getting interupted by her mom

"what's his name? what dose he look like? is he nice? what is he like?" asks Aria's mom.

"mom, mom breathe, i'll tell you once you'r calm" replies Aria with a little laugh

"ok. i'm calm" says Aria's mom

"well.. his name is Andrew, he has bright blue eyes, like the colour of the sky, he has really nice dark brown hair, and freckles, but not alot, he's really nice and shy." says Aria, "wow, a mouthfull"

"he sounds nice! why not invite him over tomorrow?" replies Aria's mom.

later on they finish dinner and clean up, Aria helps her mom upstairs and into bed, then Aria gets to her room and sits on her bed.

"what a long day... hopefully i see him tomorrow" Aria thinks to herself.

she puts in her earbuds. and starts to sleep.


The next day Aria again, climbs out her window wearing her converse and the same outfit as yesterday, puts in her earbuds to listen to music, and gets to the same spot, exept something is different!

"andrew.. he's not here? why?" Aria thought to herself.

Aria walked the path to his place they took the day before, and found a moving truck.

"ANDREW!" Aria screamed and ran towards him.

"ARIA!" replied Andrew in joy.

they both ran towards eachother and ran into eachother and a hug.

"what's going on?" asked Aria looking at him.

"i'm moving..." replied Andrew.

"what..? why?!" said Aria with tears in her eyes.

"because my parents..." replied Andrew hushed.

they had one last walk with eachother to there spot, and sat there together, untill Andrew had to leave.

"i have to go now..." said Andrew.

"don't go.. don't leave me...." replied Aria.

"i wont..." said Andrew, getting up from where he was sitting.

"you swear?" asked Aria.

"yes" answered Andrew with a smile.

they both stood up and gave one last kiss, then they walked back to Andrews house and gave one last hug, they said there goodbyes, and Aria started to walk home with tears in her eyes. she got a little ways, when she looked down at her bracelet and started to sprint back to Andrews house, only to find him start to leave, she ran after the car and managed to give Andrew the bracelet.

"take this!" said Aria.

"why? it's yours" replied Andrew

"so you have something to remind you of me" said Aria.

"ok" said Andrew leaning out the window to give Aria one last kiss.

she hands him the bracelet and kisses him one last time and stands there as the car Andrew is sitting in drives away.


Aria walks back home and walks in the back door to find dinner already made.

this is an odd sight for Aria her being an only child, but she found her mom laying on the couch and instead of sitting down and eating she walked over to her mom and hugged her.

"i love you mom.." wispered Aria.

"what's wrong sweetie?" asked her mom

"andrew he... he had to move..." cried Aria.

"oh sweetie.. it's ok.." replied her mom comforting her and rubbing her back.

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