Chapter 1 - Can I fly with these?

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"Here you go! Abraca dabra siragugal vanduvidu!" The gorgeous lady swayed left to right and said something out loud.

I don't have any idea where I am and what I am doing.

Since I found her at-' I don't know where' , she has been saying that I am the 'chosen one'. She said that she has a gift for me.

"That's a magic spell and it gives... Well you'll find out!." She chirped after a while.

Magic huh! When I was a kid, I used to obsess over topics involving magic. I used to dream how I would use magic to bring things I wanted, like new clothes, new shoes, new toys and what not.

As I was busy with my thoughts, I felt something on my back.

What is it? Hey! I feel tingles on my back. I turned my head to look over my shoulder. My eyes widened at what I was looking at...


Wow! the woman has given me wings?

"Wings! I can't believe this!."

"These wings are yours... Forever." She said and smiled warmly.

Wow! they are breathtaking. They are a shade of red fading to orange at the corners. Do i look like a fairy? I don't know how I look with them.

Wait, why do I care about how I look? Can I fly with these? I doubt.

"Can I fly with these?" I asked exactly what I was thinking at the moment.

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