don't mess with a she wolf like me

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i was running i had to get out of here i couldn't stay after years of my pack treating me like crap i couldn't take it anymore i was leaving for good the final straw was when my mate completely rejected me you would think id be upset but no i was furious i couldn't believe he picked his popularity over his mate his missing link so i ran and here i was in the middle of the forest running in wolf form till my legs started to get weak and i was stumbling about i quickly shifted and got the bag of my back that held my clothes i quickly got changed and fell asleep at the bottom of a pine tree when i woke up in the morning i saw three guys around my age standing there so they were about 15 i smelled and realized i was on a different packs territory and they were part of the pack

"what you doing here mutt" growled the oldest by the looks of it he was probably 19

"I'm sorry i didn't know it was pack territory ill just leave" i said standing up and grabbing my stuff but a hand came out and grabbed my arm

"where do you think your going" that's when i heard a ruffling of leaves and a man coming out he looked about 23 i wondered who he was when i was hit with his power he was the alpha

"why are you on my land and where is your pack" he said using his alpha tone

"i-i left my pa-pack" i stuttered

"why" asked his beeta with a confused look suddenly anger took over me

"because they treated me like crap then my 'mate' rejected me for his popularity" i spat my eyes turning from there usual forest green to my wolfs eyes which were purple unlike any wolf anyones ever saw I'm special but none knows because I've never shifted in front of any of my pack before

"oh my god your eyes" said the boy holding my arm edging away a bit

"yeah yeah there purple" i said sighing slightly

"look" said the alpha "we've been thinking and we want you to join our pack "

"what" i asked my eyes wide with shock

"look you don't have to" he said unsure

"no no of course i would love to" i said smiling widely

"yeah" screamed the boy dropping my arm "someone the same age as me, nice to meet you im toby" he said shacking my hand wildly "whats yours" he asked cheerfully

"rose" i said laughing

"well welcome to the family" said the beeta smiling "this is zack the alpha and I'm rob i hope you like the pack"

two days later and im learning how to fight Misty's teaching me and so is rob Misty's my best friend now and when im ready im going to make sure they don't mess with a shewolf like me again.

don't mess with a she wolf like meWhere stories live. Discover now