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This is a pov that I've been excited for.

(Ghost's pov)

I walked into the living room to see Toast watching the news. I sat down beside him and felt in my hoodie pocket to feel... nothing. Jimmy's knife wasn't in there. I was about to tell Toast when a news story came up.

"Late last night Annabelle Grace and her younger brother Jay were attacked by Jimmy Casket. The nineteen year old girl protected her brother by hiding him in a closet. The girl managed to fight off the killer and give her brother time to call the police. Although the killer escaped the girl was able to retrieve the killer's knife and has given it to the police."

I was hit with a sudden wave of anger that wasn't mine. Jimmy didn't like it when other people touched his knife. Johnny looked over and saw how mad I was.

"Sir, calm down. You can get a new one."

"I don't want a new one," Jimmy yelled through my mouth. I knew that it was harder to fight him when he was angry, so I just fell back. The more I fought the angrier he would be. I just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.

(Toast's pov)

Jimmy was throwing A full on temper tantrum. Luckily all the knives were locked in a cupboard. I gave him a few minutes then approached very slowly.


He glared at me with his glowing red eyes. "What?!"

I put my hands up in a gesture of surrender. "How about we come up with a plan to get your knife back?"

He smiled. "Good idea Toaster!"

I gestured for him to sit down and began clean up his mess. He had thrown pillows everywhere but hadn't done any real damage. I was almost finished when I thought of something.

"How did you loose your knife anyway?"

He frowned. "I tried to stab the girl but she dodged and the knife got stuck in a wall. Then she knocked me down, grabbed Knifey, and held me down while her brother called the cops. I thought I had gotten Knifey when I left but I must have been wrong."

I shook my head. Jimmy never forgot his knife. When he heard that the police were called Sir must have panicked, causing Jimmy to panic, and in his panic he forgot the knife. I sat down next to Jimmy and started to write down a plan when the phone rang. I picked it up and went through my usual lines.

"Hello this is P.I.E. how may we help you?"

The girl on the other end had a shaky voice. "Hello, um, we are having a, ghost problem, I can't believe I just said that. A friend of mine said to call you. Can you come over quickly?"

I told her we would then wrote down her name and address. I hung up the phone and turned back to Jimmy. I couldn't see his eyes but I could tell he had calmed down because his hair was now brown instead of black.


He looked up.

"We have a job."

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