Chapter 1 Lucy's What?

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It had been almost a year since Natsu and Lucy got married. They live in Natsu and Happy's house. They went on jobs with team Natsu, and everything was great. Then one day, Lucy began to feel sick and even threw up. She had been feeling bad for a while now. But she never said anything, it was sorta off and on, so she didn't want to worry anyone. The only one who knew was Levy. But when she threw up Natsu knew something was up. "Lucy are you okay?" He asked.

"Ya, but I don't think I'm going on the job today." She answered. "Well that's okay! Well just go when you feel better." He lightly kissed her forehead. But she pulled away and shook her head. "No Natsu, we need this job you know that, why don't you and the others go and I'll just stay home?" Natsu knew she was right. "Fine but Happy's staying here with you." And with that Natsu left with the others.

"Alright see ya tomorrow! Take good care of her Happy!" Natsu called with a big toothy grin. They waved goodbye, and Natsu left. Right on cue Lucy ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Oh Lucy! Are you okay? Maybe I should call Wendy, I'm sure they haven't left yet-" Happy was interrupted. "NO! Happy this isn't something that can be fixed." Lucy said as she cleaned herself up. "What do you mean?"

"Just give me a second." Lucy went to the communication Lacrima and called Levy.

"Hey Lu~Chan! Feeling any better?"

"No...Umm can you come over and bring that... stuff..." Levy gasped.

"You mean you think I was right?" Lucy nodded. Levy squealed.

"I'll be right over!" Happy curiously came over. "Lucy.... Whats happening?" She smiled. "Don't worry Happy, things just might get a little crazy..."


It didn't take long for Levy to come over. She held brown paper bag that looked like it was going to explode. "Here Lu~Chan." Levy handed lucy a small box from the bag. "Okay, now or never." Lucy took a deep breathe. "Lucy is that... a .... Pregnancy test???" Happy looked so shocked. Lucy had a big grin on her face and nodded. "Wish me luck."

She then went to the bathroom.


Levy, Lucy, Happy, and Pluu (Who at some point popped up...) were talking about what they thought was going to happen. Levy had a pregnancy magazine out and was questioning Lucy. "Lu.... No doubt about it, I think your pregnant..." Lucy buried her face in her pillow. "Levy~Chan! I don't think I can do it! We can hardly pay rent as it is! How are going to take care of a baby?" Before anyone could answer the timer rang. "Ready Lucy?" Asked Happy.

Lucy didn't think she had a choice. They all crowded into the bathroom to see the results. At the last second Lucy chickened out. "I can't do this!! Levy you do it!!" She handed the pregnancy test, she had not yet seen to Levy. Levy gasped. "Lu! Look at this!!!" She shoved the test in her face.

"It's P-P-Positive!!" Levy exclaimed. Lucy could hardly believe it! They all squealed like little kids on christmas, jumping up and down like they were crazy. They danced around the house, they could barely contain their excitement. Finally Lucy said "You guys can't say ANYTHING!!!! Not until I tell Natsu, and I'm sure he'll want to tell everyone." She made them swear.

But even she could hardly contain herself.


OKAY! So I might have sorta fallen in love with Nalu... It's not an addiction what are you talking about... ANYWAY... I bring you my Nalu dreams! I really like this story so I will hopefully be uploading this a lot. In fact there may be another chapter later today or tomorrow... Maybe... DISCLAIMER I do not own FairyTail or any of the characters. Sorry for any errors. But for now, this is Jade Lock, Signing out!!! Bye!!

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