Part 3

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Step 12:Spelling errors

Okay so I recently read some not-so-decent fanfictions and I wanted to point some things out.


2. You're writing a fanfiction, not a text message. Try not to use abbreviations like "tho" or "LOL" because they are NOT actual words. No really, check the dictionary.

3. After your done writing, be sure to check for spelling errors.

Step 13:Not too fast

I learned that this means that you should edit, but here goes.

This is very important. Besides proper grammar a good storyline, this is the most important part.

When you start with an idea, the idea is usually a major part in the story. This means that it will be very tempting to jump right into it. But as I learned, you need to read through it and check that it doesn't go too fast. This can be very hard, trust me. I'm still trying to be better at it. But if it goes into a huge part of the story right in the first page, it is definitely going way too fast.

This is what I recommend:

1. Read a novel- anything from Harry Potter to Twilight- make sure it's one that you like.

2. Don't make your storyline too similar to the novel's.

3. Make sure to take note of how the story goes.

4. Try to copy the story's STRUCTURE, not storyline.

I'm thinking that these instructions are too confusing....

So, for example, the Outsiders starts off very smoothly for the first couple of pages.

Maybe use that for your book. Just use your own ideas to write about.

I don't know if you guys get this part. Please let me know if it helped you in the comments.

Another thing that helps:

1. Listen to music.

2. Use the music as inspiration.

3. DO NOT put the song into the story. I'd rather not read three pages of song lyrics, thanks.

Now you will ALWAYS need to edit. Trust me, I have never published anything without going through it.

Now I'm going to be ending here because Step 13 was pretty much 3 steps in one and my battery is running low right now so I gotta get off. Please comment.

HOW TO: Write a decent fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now