Chapter 4: Glitch In the System

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AN: Well my Assassin friends, here is another chapter. This is where stuff starts getting pretty interesting, and I can't wait to see what you guys think! Well anywho, peace out until the end of the chapter! ^-^

I walked into the house basking in the warmth that I had missed for so long. I went to the kitchen, where one could tell where hot chocolate had recently been made, and sat down on one of the stools that was next to the island at the edge of the kitchen.

“MACI, MOM, DAD! I’m back!” I screamed, wanting to assure them that I got home safely.

A couple of seconds later, footsteps sounded across the hallway, and I was greeted with the worried faces of my beloved parents and sister.

“Are you okay?!” My parents and Maci asked in turn, clearly feeling concerned for my wellbeing.

“Yes, I just had a little encounter in the forest that’s all.” I said with a saddened look overcoming my features.

“I’ll tell you about it later, but for now all I want to know is when we are going home. I don’t want to be here any longer.” I looked at them with a more so serious expression on my face.

Both of my parents exchanged a look, and I knew that we would be leaving soon. They went, grabbed their phones and checked the time.

“Okay. It’s around 4:30. We already loaded the stuff in the car when Maci told us about the predicament. I’m sure that you’re hungry, get something to eat and then we’ll hit the road. I’ll make sure that we get home in no time okay?” My dad said this while checking off the things that were needed to get back home.          

A few minutes later and we had been in the car again. Finally. Just being there any longer would have made me partially insane. I looked out the window, and sighed. I honestly had no idea what I would end up doing with a weapon…a glowing, extremely heavy, foreign bladed weapon at that. I took the sandwich out of a zip block bag that was provided to me and chewed on it, thinking about my current situation.

What am I supposed to do with a weapon like this? Going around slitting people’s throats with a tomahawk? I mean there had to be a purpose of me receiving something like this at the time that I did.  I put my quizzical thinking to a standstill for a second and decided that I needed to relax.

Whenever anybody is in a stressful situation…they tend to have an unclear mind. I’m going to relax and wait to think about the situation until I get home.  I thought and proceeded to put my headphones in my ears and listen to my music, passing the time in the car.

Before it turned eight, we were back to the lovely place that I had known to be referred to as home. I put my stuff down in the corner of the room and did a little happy dance in my head. There really was no place like home. I put the messenger bag that had the tomahawk in it within a secret slot inside my closet, making sure that nobody would be able to get to it.

My parents decided that since we had gotten home later, we had to order something from outside. Apparently on the menu for us was pizza. In less than 30 minutes the teenager was outside in the freezing cold, holding none other than a pizza box in his hand. We paid him the money, and got ready to eat.

A couple of minutes later and we were well into our meal. I told them about the situation of the bear, continuing at the part where Maci told them that I had been in the forest, and left out the part with the tomahawk. I improvised and had told them that a ranger had shot the bear and had escorted me home instead.

“I’ll tell my sister about the situation later. I’m sure that the ranger already knows about it however, and will probably give them a call instead.” My dad said with a rather skeptical look on his face.

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