Chapter 3

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I woke up wearing only my white bikini and a jacket. How sweet, they left me in the middle of the school park. I sat on the floor for a minute, trying to remember what the hell happened to me...

Alright, all was going well, I was with The Punks, driving way to the beach. As we arrived we caught the towels, and layed down on the sand. But I still don't understand why they chose the beach, January in New York is not the best month for going to the beach.

I remember that we took the subway, and left Mathe's car on a park next to the station. Because the freaking beach was in Coney Island. But as we arrived I understood why they chose that place, it was the first day of class, nobody would be there. Nobody that was not insane would be there actually. The only one that was there besides us was a beggar.

It was like 5 degrees celsius, so I immediately wrap myself on a coat. I took out my pants anyway. I had to pretend I was loving the idea. Well, suddenly everybody was staring at me, literally everybody, even the beggar. I thought it was because of my not-really-good-looking-thights but they would not look that scared because I've got overwhelmed thights.

Amy Harries this time you surprised me. I never thought you could be that stupid, and now you're talking to yourself? You've gonna be kidding me. You had the you had the capability of wearing a white bikini, while you are in your period, and you forgot the tampom. You're stupidest person ever.

Okay, now could you please stop talking to yourself? I could my subconscious arguing with me.

I had the idea of saying this was all a joke, and they laugh. Was this a good sign? The Punks was not how I imagined that far. I thought we were going to break somewhere, steal something, actually I thought we were at least moving. But we were sat, at the same place from when we arrived in the beach, and we discussed. We did that for one hour and a half, and this was killing me.  I never thought this was possible, but I think I were tired of doing absolutely nothingI think cory noticed that.

" Would you like to walk near the sea?" he said kindly.

"Yeah, umm, I guess" I agreed. I had to move, I was hearing my butt telling me that it would explode if I didn't.

We walked five minutes without walking to each others. And I basically kept  thinking if it was possible for a butt to explode.


"Uh?" I said coming back to reality.

He pointed at the sea, was he asking me to enter it? I took a step forward and as I touched the first wave that reached my toes.

" No way" I said laughing.

"Oh, c'mon" He said begging me.

How was I suppose to deny?

"Okay" I groaned " no more than five minutes understood?"

About three minutes later I've got the courage for entering that freezer. While I entered the sea cory was already in there, his deep brown eyes were lighting at the sunlight, they were looking straight at me, as they met my eyes I felt hypnotized. I couldn't help but appreciate his smile that was growing as I came closer.

Since we entered the sea, he haven't said a word. We was just glaring at each others. I don't know how but now my face was inches from his, not long time ago my pale lips were already kissing his. His blood red lips travelled way to my neck. His hands was touching me carefully, what he wanted from me? Was that why they allowed me to come with them? Cory simply wanted to make out with me?  Oh, crap.

"Cory" I said between kisses "s-stop".

He pretended not to hear me, I had to leave. I started moving my legs but it was really difficult to get out of the sea quickly.

'Amy where are you going?" he said running after me.

Thank god I reached the sand. Cory was after me, and he was pretty angry, I guess because I'm the first girl who did not agree to make out with him. But the important thing I learned today was: Do not run looking back, that may be a huge rock in front of you.

That's all I remember, I guess I fainted because of the cold and maybe that huge rock that was in front of me. And as Cory was mad at me they simply dropped me over there. How I was entering school wearing just bikini? 

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