Chapter 2: Unexpected Surprises and Sneaky Disguises

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Chapter 2: Unexpected Surprises and Sneaky Disguises

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Britney, wanting to know my whereabouts. After I had agreed to the bra shopping, she had pestered me non-stop since the last bell rang. I swear, she probably left the last class early just so that she could get to the mall sooner. Of course, since she had to wait for me, her plan was a little delayed, and she ended up hanging out in the parking lot in her silver Mercedes for longer than anticipated.

She was practically hopping from foot to foot when I found her, leaning on her Mercedes and furiously tapping away at the keys on her phone. “There you are! Finally!” she squealed when she looked up to find me standing in front of her.

"You do realize that school was just let out five minutes ago, right?” She shrugged, a playful smile fixated on her face. She looked like a little girl when she did that, and it was adorably irresistible. Even I couldn’t argue with her when she pulled that face on me. Just goes to show how easily my self-control is swayed. Ugh.

I had to remind her to slow down at least eight times during the ten-minute ride to the mall. We zoomed through the traffic with Kanye’s latest rap song blaring at full volume. One of these days, I’m going to have a heart attack when Britney is behind the wheel. That is, if I don’t die in an auto crash with her driving first.

As soon as we stepped through the mall’s glass double doors, Britney tugged on my hand and led me to the sexytastic world of Victoria’s Secret. Who could miss it? It’s not like they have half-naked models and lingerie strewn all over their display windows or anything.

I was always mortified to enter the premises and I could feel a deep blush spreading to my cheeks. Britney took one look and let out a high-pitched giggle. “Look at you, getting all embarrassed over bra shopping. It’s not like it’s your first bra or anything! Calm your tits.”

I dug my fingernails into her arm. “Ouch! What was that for?!” she yelped.

“Just the fact that you couldn’t be any louder while announcing to the world the nature of our conversation,” I hissed with a sickly-sweet smile on my face.

“It’s a bra store. What else do you expect people to be talking about?!” Britney shot back.

“There are lots of topics besides bras to talk about, even in a lingerie store, Britney,” I said, enunciating each syllable carefully and clearly, as though I was speaking to a toddler who was just learning to talk.

With an amused look on her face, she strutted over to the various bra displays. An assortment of cheetah print, polka dots, floral patterns, and every color of the rainbow imaginable were present on the bras, which were splayed out over every table.

I checked my watch. It had only been six minutes and thirty-three seconds since we had entered the mall. Time seemed to move agonizingly slow when I was doing things I dreaded. The only reason I had agreed to come was for lack of a better after-school activity, as well as the fact that Britney made lots of sacrifices for me too. After all, I’d be a pretty crappy best friend if I didn’t accompany her to the mall once in a while.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a tom-boy or anything. Heck, I’m pretty much on the same level of girly-girl as Britney. My only idiosyncrasy is that bra-shopping is really mortifying, especially when you happen to run into someone you know. Unfortunately, it’s happened to me more times than I care to admit. That may be part of the reason for my bra-shopping hatred.

“Earth to Makenna,” drawled Britney. My head snapped up, as I realized I had spaced out for several moments. Her next words fought their way into my head groggily, so it took an extra second for them to register. “Alec, the new guy, is entering the mall – with a girl!”

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