I'm sorry it's time for me to go

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Hi there.
So this is a story started out as one thing but I am changing t so yea...the first chapter is super sad but it will make seance down the road.
It is slightly graphic in the first chapter. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

I'm, sorry. it's time for me to go.

This is the story of my life. Up until now at least.
Right now I am sitting alone on the bathroom floor of my trailer, there is blood pouring from my arm and I know that I don't have a lot of time to tell you all what happened so i'll try. It started with a kiss, but it wasn't a normal kiss it was forced. he was my brothers friend. he showed up at my trailer drunk and just started to do things, horrible things. He began to touch me, then he took my innocents. and after that he just left.
I lost all I was.
And that would be why I'm lying here covered in blood. It's over. I won't have to worrie about the pain, hurt or sin ever again.
The devil won.
The door opens.
I hear footsteps.
Then it all goes black.

OKAY so short chapter cause my iPod is dying.
It was basically a prologue so yea.
Next chapter up soon!!

HEY GUYS! so i am already starting the next chappy
so this one is where the religious stuff comes into play: enjoy :)

I woke up to a horrible beeping noise. My head hurt so bad. I began to crack my eyes open and imidatly met with the brightest light that I had ever seen. it was white and it burned my eyes.
'Am I dead' I thought.
Then I heard a voice, it was my sister, Jules.
"Robbie? Robbie?!?" she yelled.
I finally saw her ffeatured her long black hair was hanging down and her large blue eyes were looking at me.
I was alive.
(A/N hey so I don't know if this updates every time I save it or not so this is not the end of the chapter just taking a break)

I'm sorry, it's time for me to goWhere stories live. Discover now