I was 5, and he was 6

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Alexandra Rose Leonard. Born on march 5th, 1922.
Michael Joe Jackson. Born on August 29, 1921.
Alexandra born into a rich, gangster family.
Michael born into a normal, working class family.
Their story begins in 1926,  in a park, in Gary, Indiana.

Alexandra's pov
I stare at my feet as they carry me down the long dirt road leading to the swing set and slide park around the corner. My friend Mary moved away, so I'm alone. Usually i would walk to the park with her, but not today. I cried when she left. She was the only friend I ever had here. Everyone else was always afraid of my papa.

As I round the corner, the swings come into view. No ones here but me. I plop down and start twisting the swing and letting it go, causing it to spin me around in circles. A big smile forms on my face and I giggle as I come to a stop, looking over to left, seeing that Mary isn't there where she should be, and it makes me sad again. I look over to the slide, and hang my head. "It just ain't no fun without Mary." I say aloud. I kick my foot into the sand and stand up.

"Who's Mary?" Startled, i spin around. A little boy, about my age, is walking up to me. He's got short, black, curly hair.
"She was my friend. But she moved away." I say, frowning and looking down at my feet.
"Oh." The boy says. "Well I'm Michael. I'll be your friend if you want." I look up and smile. "Really Michael? I sure could use one. It's lonely playing out here by myself." I say. Michael nods and flashes me a cheeky grin, one tooth missing from his mouth. "Oh! And I'm Alexandra. But you can call me lexa!" I say.

For the rest of the day, me and Michael played. He pushed me on the swings, and taught me how to swing by myself too! We tried to see who could go higher. He claims he won, but I know I was going higher than him! As the sun was setting, I could hear my papa calling my name. Fear struck my heart, I thought Michael was gonna run away, and never play with me again. But Michael wasn't scared of my papa at all! It made me so happy. I told papa about him while he let me sit on his shoulders, walking back home. Papa was happy to hear I'd made another friend, and so was I. I could hardly fall asleep, I was so exited to play with Michael the next day...

To be continued

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