Creepypasta 17 and 18 part 1

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Jeff: guys! I am from the future and I'm here to warn you about these two new creepypastas that are coming to eradicate all the other creepypastas!

Eyeless Jack: so why doesn't slenderman stop them?

Jeff: because in the future he dies from this demon disease that we didn't have a cure for until recently.

EJ: and how are you from the future?

Jeff: fuck you that's how

EJ: and why are you telling us this?

Jeff: because they kill all of you in the future

Dred: I cannot die remember

Jeff: they even manage to kill you Dred...

Dred: what do they even look like?

Jeff: one is a beautiful blonde girl with red eyes and has black serpent tattoos and the other is a black haired boy and they are twins. They are about 20 years old and/

Dred: and I don't care! Honestly it sounds like I have nothing to fear

Slenderman: (falls to the ground) I (cough) don't feel so good....

Jeff: (gives future medicine) there

Ben: so uhh? How do we stop them?

Jeff: only slenderman can defeat them

Dred: you think I'm going to wait for his ass! Honestly I think the future you come from is wrong!

Jeff: they even kill Zalgo their creator

Dred: great now I know exactly where they are!

Jeff: (stops Dred) you can't! They will kill you! We have to wait for slenderman to recover!

Dred: why would I ever need his help!

Jeff because your not as strong as he/

Dred: (punches Jeff in the stomach and bolts off to Zalgo's lair)

Ben: (helps Jeff up) you pushed the Slendy button.... Shouldn't have done that.


Zalgo: (awakens the new creepypastas)

Creepypasta 17: hey Zalgo what's up (says sarcastic)

Zalgo: I am in dire trouble and fear the others are coming after me. Now I need you and your sister

Creepypasta 18: you must have gotten into a lot of shit to have to awaken us

Zalgo: sadly yes now I need your help!

Ben: (tries to knock down huge demon door) ow my fist!

Zalgo: they are already here!

EJ: (charges at door) ow my shoulder!

17: I don't know Zalgo I think you can handle it

18: I believe so

Zalgo: are you really doing this now!

Dred: (arrives)

EJ: took you long enough

Dred: shut up I was busy! Now move out of my way !

Jeff: we have to wait for slenderman!

Dred: why! It's just a God damn door!

Jeff: that's not what I/

Dred: (Blasts down door with dark energy)

Jeff: damn it!

17: hey sis we have company

18: that we do brother

Zalgo now take care of them!

17: (takes Zalgo's head off)

(The creepypastas stare in aw)

18: now that that's taken care of

17 and 18: (fly off into a street)

Dred: wait wa? Am I being ignored! Get back here! (Chases after 17 and 18 at high speed)

Jeff: why doesn't he listen to me!

EJ: to be honest we all have trouble listening to you. But Dred just doesn't like following orders

Ben: am I the only one who wants to stay away from these new creepypastas ?

EJ: pretty much

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