New years

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Melanie sighs as she finishes another drink, another ball drop alone. When she woke up this morning it wasn't the plan, she had a new years kiss for sure. Except she didn't....
" I can't wait for the ball to drop. It'll signal a year of being together." Melanie giggled. With 2017 just two hours away excitement filled the little car Melanie and jake were in, to Bad it was only a one way thing.

" Mel, about that. This is going to seem jerk like and douchey I know, but I've bit my tongue for too long. Melanie, This isn't going to work. I would say I'm sorry but then I'd be lying. Your a nice girl Mel but your just to different. Yeah your semi-hot but that means nothing compared to your music and clothes choice. Your just two childish. I mean, who freaks out and cries because a new Voldemort book comes out?"

Melanie had no words, no thoughts, nothing. The only thing she could say was fuel to Jake's fire. " it was a Harry Potter Book."

Jake laughed, he actually laughed not understand how hard this was for Melanie. The two sat in mumbles and chuckles until they reached the destination of the party .
" come on everyone. 30 seconds!" Someone shouted as every started to crowd to the flatscreen on the wall. Melanie stalked over to the populated area and waited. Another single year she thought as she rose whiskey to her lips. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

When Melanie opened her eyes everyone had someone, and they were showing it. There was no reason for Melanie to stay any longer, Jake can catch a cab. So she grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

As Melanie walked down the steps and too her car she couldn't help but feel so stupid for wasting a year of her life. Eventually she made it to the car got in a started to sob. A quick rustle was heard and cold metal was pressed against Her head. " give me all the money you got lady and you can keep the car."

Melanie laughed. Not because she wasn't scared, she was terrified. Melanie didn't know what else to do so she laughed, and laughed and laughed untill she passed out.


A year later and Melanie is with a new guy on New Year's Eve and has a kiss for the ball drop and life's looking up...right?

WRONG! This isn't some book with a Cinderella ending, it's real life. Melanie was entered into an insane asylum 2 months after the incident and was diagnosed with the mental disorder(schizophrenia). She seems to have been traumatized/ triggered by that nights events and is estimated to stay for the rest of her life.

New Year's Eve shortWhere stories live. Discover now