From the Ashes - Chapter Two

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Sadie marveled at Jalen’s inner strength. He had to be exhausted, and yet he stood in the center of the room, directing men as if nothing was wrong. His calm, authoritative tone gave confidence to those in the room, and this showed in their expressions, and their willingness to obey him. These soldiers would die for him were he to order it. Jalen was truly a leader of men; the heir of Zammar. Sadie felt pride and relief well inside her. He truly was back.

“Sadie?” Jalen beckoned her closer. “Stay at my left at all times.”

She nodded and went to stand next to him.

“Let us be off,” he commanded and strode toward the hidden passage.

“Your highness?” Abbas called out quietly, stopping him from leaving the room.


“Your mask?”

Jalen declined it with a swipe of his hand. “Leave it. I want all to see how I am cured. I will not hide behind a mask any longer.”

Turning back to the secret corridor, Jalen led the way inside.

They walked the halls back to the kitchen. There, Jalen paused and reached for her. Sadie stepped closer, and he again wrapped an arm around her waist, leaning against her. Pressed against him, Sadie could feel the slight shaking of his muscle and see the sweat that had started to bead his skin. It made her fear that he might collapse.

She didn’t feel that much stronger, but she gathered what little power she had left and sent a weak pulse toward him. Jalen shook his head. “Save your strength, little firebrand. I am well enough.”

Jalen leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips, before moving away from her. Sadie understood that he needed to stand on his own, but she wished she could help him. Taking the lead once more, he picked his way past the preparation tables and released a latch on a different wall. Another door swung open.

The hidden passageway held so many twists, turns, and junctions that Sadie soon lost track. She simply hoped Jalen knew where he was going. As he didn’t hesitate at any of the crossways, she supposed he must have learned his way around at some point. Maybe as a child playing in the all but forgotten corridors.

Finally, Jalen released a latch and stepped into yet another hallway, this time in the public part of the palace. Two guards, standing on either side of an ornately decorated door, twitched in surprise.

“Your highness?” one man asked, his mouth open in shock. “We were told you were dead.”

“A rumor. As you can see, Prasad, I am very much alive,” Jalen answered. “Is his majesty holding court at this moment?”

Prasad, opened, then closed his mouth with a snap. “He is, your highness,” he finally said.

“Please announce my presence. And remember, I have no rank here.”

Prasad saluted in spite of Jalen’s reminder, and hurried down the hall.

Sadie followed him with her eyes until he turned the corner, then her gaze drifted back to Jalen. When he caught her eyes on him, he smiled back at her and beckoned her closer. She stepped into his embrace, and he enclosed her in his arms. His mouth immediately captured hers, and she melted against him. The slight tremors racking Jalen’s body worried her. He appeared to be close to collapse. This time, in spite of his earlier refusal, she reached inside herself and let him have the last of her power.

He groaned and held her closer. The fact he didn’t push her away told her all she needed to know. In any other circumstances, he would have declined and asked that she save her energy. He truly was exhausted.

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