Chapter 3

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[This chapter will get kind of...well, for lack of a better word, zombie-ish. If you're squeamish, be prepared. It's not...bad. Just a little different. You've been warned.]

"Umm, I'm sorry. I didn't know how else to wake you."

The boy frowned at me. "So you thought that the best way was to slap me awake?" I felt my face turn red and I turned away. "Maybe," I muttered.

He let out a forced chuckle and we stopped talking.


The silence was awkward. Every once in awhile, I would cough or he would shuffle into a different position to make himself more comfortable, but we didn't try to make conversation for fear it would make things worse. Finally, I sighed and laid on my stomach, crossed my arms under my chin and closed my eyes. Sleep never came so I gave up and turned to lay on my back.

Then I heard him start to stand up and stretch and suddenly the van hit a bump, and he instantly fell on top of me.

"Holy crap! What are you doing?" I cried, trying to push him off me. Gosh, he weighed a lot. "Stop pushing me so I can stand!" he yelled, some of his spit flying into my eye. I groaned and went limp, breathing heavily. His stomach was on top of mine and our foreheads were touching. After a few silent moments, we both realized our position. "I'm so sorry," he said quickly. I blushed and turned to my side to look at the floor in embarrassment. "I-It's fine, I guess." 

He lifted himself off me and stood up, dusting off his pants. He offered me his hand and after a minute of hesitation, I took it. "Thanks," I whispered, "What's your name?"

"Riley. Riley Pierce. Though I thought you would know since you kidnapped me, along with everyone else," he gesticulated towards the other kids that had been tossed into the vehicle. I frowned as his words sank in, then gasped. "You thought I- That I- What?!" I gasped. "I'm not the one who kidnapped you!" By the look of his face, I could tell that I looked pretty shocked, and maybe even mortified. "Oh. Sorry?" He sounded confused.

"I didn't kidnap anyone. In fact, I was kidnapped." Riley narrowed his eyes. "Why would they kidnap someone without any experience with working?" I raised my eyebrows at him. "Huh?"

"Look at yourself..." he paused expectantly.

"Vivienne," I snapped.

"Look at yourself, Vivienne! You have no muscles, wimpy legs, and you're wearing your pajamas," he stated, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"I can't help that they kidnapped me while I was still in bed! At least it wasn't really hot that night or I would have worn a nightgown!" Riley's eyes widened. "A nightgown? You still own those things?" I scowled.

"And what do you mean I have no muscles and wimpy legs? I play sports!" I let out a huff. "Oh really? What kind of sports?" 

Instantly, my eyes became wide and my brain blanked. I felt my face turn hot and I looked down to examine my bare feet. "You don't play sports, do you?" I didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking. "I played soccer once, when I was in second grade. That counts, right?" 

Riley burst out laughing, and I turned to glare at him. "Shut up. It's not like you're the Hulk either."

"Maybe not, but at least I can put up a fight," he smiled. My anger threatened to take over but I took a deep breath. "What makes you think that, Mr. Pierce?"

"Well, for one, I don't address people as a mister or misses unless they have a bit of importance to me, unlike you. And two, I've played sports all my life and I go to a gym. I make my own knives. I'm sure you know the third reason by now." Talk about cocky. I was sure that he was lying about the first answer though. I mean, that's rude, right? And it's the 21st century. Who makes their own weapons anymore?

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