Chapter Two: Sophie

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Chapter Two: Sophie

Name: Sophie Mae Bernard <3

Birthdate: March 9th, 1997

Who do you live with? Mom, Anna;dad, Jerry; Grandma Bernard; and older brother, Jackson

Favorite class: English

Favorite hobbies: Ballet, baking

Favorite foods: Italian

Favorite music/bands: Pop, alternative

Favorite movie: The Outsiders

Favorite book: Shadow and Bone

Favorite color: Purple

I finish my "test" first, but I wait in my seat checking my

spelling and waiting for another teen to get up first. Come on, Soph, get up there. I try and encourage myself. Finally, a girl, Rachel? Gets up and turns in the test. The lady running the tests whispers something and shows her the door frame where a man stands. Rachel walks off with him.

I get up next, and the lady smiles at me watching as I walk up to


"Do I give this to you?" I say as I hand it to her.

"Yes! Thank you, you see that man right there?" I look over at

the door frame where she points. A young man stands there, and he's really cute. "That's your personal driver, Max, he'll take you to the salon. He'll explain everything in the car. Off you go,"

I walk back to my desk and shoulder my bag. I pick up my notebook

and walk up to meet Max.

We walk outside the classroom to greet each other.

"Hello, I am Max. I will be your personal assistant. Can I carry

your bags, Miss Sophie?" I smile graciously.

"Yeah, thank you." He takes my bag, and we walk to his car

together. He puts my bag in the back, and he opens the back seat car door for me. He easily slides into the front and starts the engine.

"Max?" I ask him, and I grab my iPhone from my pocket.

He looks at me for a second from his mirror, "Yes, Miss?"

"How far is the salon? Are we going to be there soon? And what

exactly is happening?" I ramble on for a second before I cut myself off.

He just laughs,"Well Miss Sophie, you were chosen to become part

of, well I call it, the Perfect People Project. In this project, the goal is to make a perfect all American family and breed the best children. There is three major Groups. Beauty is for being the most beautiful," Max looks at me though the mirror again, "I believe you are no doubt in that group, Miss."

I blush wildly and clear my throat, "what are the other two


He grins, and I know we'll get along great. "Then there is the

Athletes, they are wildly popular in sports. They can probably make it all the way to the Olympics. Last but not least, intelligence. That one is a no brainer, ba bom tis." He pretend to hit a cymbal with one hand. I smile a little.

"Come on, Miss Sophie! That was a good one!"

"Well, Maxxy-poo, I've heard worse." His right hand flies to his

chest to fake a gunshot wound.

Before long we are in front of the salon. It's beautiful! The

building itself is mostly mirrors and from what I can see it looks like an indoor spa. I lean over the divider between the front and back seat to get a better look, and I almost hit Max in the process.

"Let's go, girlie, before I take the spa day for you." I gently

punch his shoulder.

Max holds open my door for me, and I leave my phone there on the


He grabs a schedule from his pocket and checks a box off. "Shall

we, my lady?" He offers his elbow to me, and I take it to enter the salon.

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⏰ Huling update: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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