Chapter 1

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I awoke suddenly to a clang in the kitchen, hm that's odd I thought mum wouldn't be up for another hour or so. After a few conflicting thoughts of baring the cold, I got up to talk to mum about my trip. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and I stopped dead in my tracks, there standing in the door of the refrigerator, was a furry man with no shirt on. I muffled a scream and ran into my mum's bedroom "Mum, f*ck mum wake up!" my mother made incoherent muffles into her pillow. She's most definately not a morning person. I shook her so hard that it could have woken the dead, "Mum! There is a strange man in the kitchen! Mum wake up!" Eventually my mum opened her eyes and laughed, had my mother gone mad!? There's a strange man in our kitchen, who could very well be a psychopath and she laughs?! My mother stretched and got up, "That's only George, Trinity go back to bed" 

"Who the heck is George?" I almost screeched.

"Oh, my fiancée to be" giggled my mother whilst stretching. It took me a few moments to register what my mum was saying, since when did my mum have a boyfriend?! Don't worry about the fact that she's getting engaged?! My mum started sauntering down the stairs yawning, I heard her say a 'Good morning' to the strange George person, then I heard him reply, at first I wanted to laugh, seriously was this some kind of prank my mum was pulling, was Ashtin Kutcher going to pop out any moment and yell "You've been punked"? But then I heard a second mans voice and I truly thought I was losing it. The voice didn't seem manly, it sounded young.. and tired, well I'm sorry that you didn't enough get sleep, but what about me? I woke up to find two strange men in my house at the crack of dawn. I bolted down stairs and then I saw them...

Mystery boys P.O.V. 

It all happened so quickly at first I thought it was just one of my father's flings, but then he told me he was going to propose to this woman? Where did that come from, I think he loves her though every time he sees her, he lights up. Similar to when my mother would walk into the room when I was younger. I mentally laughed, way to keep it cool dad! Suddenly we were moving into this woman's house and everything was just dumped into rooms and I was unfortunately thrown onto a couch with some old blankets, so this is the thanks I get after seventeen years of being your wing man? Thanks a lot! My dad came into the kitchen around six and starting searching through our stuff, "What are you doing dad?" 

"Shh, people are trying to sleep," 

Yeah right, more like your ten second girlfriend, soon to be fiancée. Wait did he just say people? Plural? Who the hell else was here, I was really confused, until I heard his new girlfriend come down "Good morning, how'd you two sleep?" I grunted my reply rubbing at the sleep in my eyes.

"Oh wow, you look beautiful this morning Sarah" My dad eyed my future 'step mum' and of course she giggled and did a little twirl. All women acted like that around us, we were the laid back good looking guys, most girls swooned when they saw our black hair and deep brown eyes, and I liked to work out in the gym to keep fit, so I was fairly toned. My dad though, with his old age became hairy, but for an old dude he did look good. I heard trampling from the stairs and then I saw her... she was beautiful, she had luscious dark burgundy and sea blue eyes, she had an olive tone to her skin that made her look like she was an islander, she was tall and had beautiful curves that I wanted to embrace.. Wait what the hell am I saying I have a girlfriend! Well she's more or less a disposable camera, who lived 500 miles away but still commitment never fails, oh what was I saying?! The guys back home would have a field day with this girl, yet here I was in her house.. Living with this island goddess! Her voice broke through my train of thought "What the hell is this!" she demanded...

Trinitys P.O.V 

"What the hell is this!?" I demanded, seriously cant a girl catch a breath around here? I wake up to not only find out that my mum is engaged, then walk down stairs to not only find one man in our kitchen, but two! I was too angry to even notice what they looked like, I walked straight up to my mum. "Seriously mum! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" 

"Trinity Andrea Maricos! Have some manners about yourself! We have guests" my mum half shouted trying to push me out of the kitchen to talk to me in private. I stood my ground. 

"Have manners about myself? I wake up to find two men in my house, and you WANT ME TO HAVE MANNERS?" My mother gave me a look that said, shut the hell up girl or you'll get it. When my mother gives me this look, she means business. Then I looked around, and actually looked at the two strange men, they were gorgeous; how could two men look this good? I have to admit my mother did know how to pick them, wait what am I saying, these are the two strange men!  

One of them, presumably my mother's new partner, walked over to me, "Hey, I guess your Trinity? My names George" he smiled and put out his hand for me to shake, I simply smiled back and turned to the other younger vision of George. "And your name?" he roughly leapt off the couch to come up to me and offer his hand. "Hi, I'm Michael" he looked as if he were concocting a plan, while he was looking me up and down. "See something you like?" I replied sniggering. Then he started to cough, like he was choking. My mother ran over to pat his back, always the caring one "Whatever" I replied, walking off to my room. 

"Trinity, come back here! I need to speak with you." Oh great, I turned back slowly as if my mother was a terrorist holding a bomb. "About your trip sweetie, Michaels going with you" 


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