Chapter 7

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"Oh sorry, someone told me there was a boy in your room."

Who on earth would call my mum from work to lie about me having a boy in my room? "And who might this be?" I questioned my mum. That was until I looked up to my open door to see a confused looking Michael. Then I understood why my mum barged in here accusing me of having a boy in here. Oh he is so going to get it!


"TRINITY LANGUAGE!" my mum all but screamed.

Rage over took my senses I got off of the bed and practically dove at Michael, knocking him over in the hallway, as I held onto his collar. "WHY WOULD YOU SAY I HAVE A BOY IN MY ROOM? WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU? HANGING WITH ALL THE SLUTS AT SCHOOL ALL DAY, ONLY TO COME HOME TO ACCUSE ME OF WHORING AROUND?"

"TRINITY REMOVE YOURSELF!" said my mother.

I felt the toned arms of Blake lift me off of Michael and dragged me outside, all I could see was Michael in the hallway being tended to by my mum.

I squirmed out of Blake's arms, running out the door and to the park down the road where I could be free of that ridiculous situation. I kept running till I reached the park, getting a few looks from pedestrian's as I ran like someone was chasing me. I reached my favourate swing and sat there in the cool breeze, trying to calm my crazy breathing. I sat there for a long while, trying to sort out why Michael was such an asshole and why my mum decided to just get married. I mean for heavens sake, how long did she even know George? How did she even meet him? I mean I don't mind George but his son is so infuriating.

Soon I felt a familiar prescence sit on the swing to my right, I knew it was Blake, he was the only one who could ever find me when I ran off to vent. I had so many anger problems sometimes I just couldn't deal with the stress of it all. Blake waited for me to say something, he knew if he pounced on my too quickly I would just loose it and my anger would just start to boil all over again.

"Sorry, I freaked back there, he just infuriates me so much, I just don't know what his problem is."

"That's okay, I understand." Blake shrugged. We were so use to each other, that whenever something like this happened we just forgave each other instantly. "Still it was hilarious when ma just barged in trying to find the imaginary boy, did you see her face?!" He laughed. I laughed along with him, now that I think about it, mum looked absolutely hilarious searching through my cupboards.

"I can't believe she thought I'd have some kind of boy in the cupboard. I mean I only hang with my boys, I don't need some clingy idiot to annoy me 24/7." Blake just laughed along with me and made small talk and sometimes saying nothing at all, just looking around and being comfortable with the surroundings.

"Anyways, we better be getting back home before it get dark, Ma will have a freak." Blake laughed.

I merely nodded then got an idea in my head. "RACE YA!" I said sprinting off towards our home. We ran the whole way, taking turns in trying to beat each other, laughing the entire way. We turned the corner of my street and I screamed out slightly breathless "Whoever wins is getting the icecream!"

"Well you better get your scooping arm ready hunny, cause you will loose!"

I just laughed and ran faster, pumping my legs to lengths that most people could not go. The coach wanted me on the running squad, but I always refused, I just couldn't see myself running for the school team. I ran as a release. I ran as a way to put my jumbled thoughts together. I couldn't run for someone else. I could hear Blake's heavy steps coming up behind me, he tried grabbing my waist instead stumbling as I charged forward. Quickly tapping the letterbox with my hand and doing a small victory dance. "HA HA I WON! YOU BETTER GET THAT SCOOPING ARM READY!" Blake just laughed while leaning over with his hands on his knees. "Damn Trin, where do you pull that out from?"

"If I told you, I would have to kill you." He just continued to laugh as we walked up to the porch and into the house where I could smell my mother cooking. The smell lamb roast and vegetables wafted up my nose alerting my stomach to growl in hunger. My mum looked up to me and half smiled telling me all was forgiven for my little outburst. I leapt over to my mum giving her a tight hug which she returned gratefully. I walked back over to the other side of the bench, where Blake was sitting. Soon I heard Michael tramp down the stairs to which I internally groaned.

"Mhm, what smells good?" Michael asked lipping his lips.

"Oh just a bit of lamb and veggies." My mum smiled. Then we all heard the revving of the car and the automatic garage opening. I saw my mum's face brighten at the sound and she started primping herself up for George's arrival. I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on my mum, George makes her happy and I should respect him and I suppose his family. George entered and mum gave him a peck on the lips asking about his day.

"Hey ma, how long till dinner?" asked Blake.

"Oh it will be about half an hour." my mum replied cheerily. A whine escaped the back of my throat as I took Blakes hand and dragged him up the stairs. "We're off to do homework!"

"Hold on Trinity, I would like you to include Michael in your study session." my mum said demandingly.

"What are we five? I'm pretty sure he can cope by himself, doing his homework, by himself." I moaned back.

"Come on Trin" my mum sighed."Michael would you like to do homework with them?" I glared over at Michael at first I could tell he was about to brush it off, then he looked up at me and then I saw his smirk. "I think I would actually like to do some study with them, thanks Sarah."

My mouth was gaping open as I continued to stare at Michael which only caused his smirk to widen. Oh it was so on!

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