Face it

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The creaking stairs slowly made me realize what I was doing. Step by step my heart grew heavier, then lighter. I didn't know exactly how to feel right now. Especially around my mom. But I have to face it. I have to show her I'm strong. Since I'm the man of the house. I did my little jump that I do when I get to the last step. A small smile crept up to my lips but quickly went away. Small memories like that fix problems, but not all problems. I looked off at the kitchen. I took a breath and walked through the doorway.

    My mom was finishing up cleaning the pot. She must have heard me come in because she turned to me. "Hey, Honey. How are you?" I just nodded. "I heard what happened. I'm really sorry about her.." I knew she was trying to help, but I felt my face resending and getting angry. "Yeah," I said, a bit too loud. She got the gesture and decided to drop the subject. "You hungry? I made pasta." I nodded, not really in the mood to talk. I walked over to the table, where a plate of pasta sat.

     "Hey, Tyler?" I looked up. I had a forkful of pasta in my mouth, so I didn't say anything back, I just nodded. She went and sat in front of me. Oh no. Whenever this happens, that means something's gonna happen. Something's going to happen. I watched her carefully, chewing my pasta. "I have some news.. I don't know how you're going to take it, but I want you to be honest with me. Ok?" I nodded. She sighed and fidgeted her thumbs like I do when I'm anxious. She looked at me, taking my hand. "We're moving back to Columbus."

     My eyes grew a bit wider. I swallowed loudly. "What?" She took my hand and squeezed it. "We're going back to Columbus. I know, it's such short notice, and you love it here, but I feel we should go back home. I just miss it. Don't you?" I didn't really know how to react. Happy, confused, or angry. I was happy because I was going home. My first home. I missed it. But I was confused because it just came out of nowhere. And angry because she didn't even talk about it with me. "Um... Ok." I said.  I just continued to eat my pasta.  "What do you feel about that Tyler?" she said, touching his hand lightly. "I'm fine. But I think I'm done eating. And I just need some time to take it in, I guess." He pushed his plate away. "Thanks, mom." He got up and went upstairs. 

       Tyler sat on his bed. He forgot all about Jenna, now he was just thinking about moving back to Columbus. He would have to finish school over there. He would lose all his friends and most likely be too shy to make new ones. But it didn't matter to him. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad experience. 

((Thank you guys so much for waiting! This honestly took too long, and I'm so sorry. I'm planning on writing more chapters and more stories now that summer is starting. Hey, wanna help me write stories? Or get to know me? Feel free to contact me! I'd love to meet and talk to the people who like my trashy stories. Anyway! Thank you so much for the likes on Friend Please. Anyway, Have a good day!))

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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