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"Well I keep searching for an answer,
But time will never tell, and you will never know.
My choices are my own, but I can't choose where I call home.
This life isn't carved in stone, this life has left me on my own."

Southern medical wing, Fallout City

23 years, 3 months and 3.5 weeks after the solar flare

As soon as Riley opened her eyes, she knew something was wrong. Instead of the dusty, windy road she last remembered, she felt comfortable softness around her. The air she breathed was clean and the lights above her were bright. Her vision was blurred and her head was still aching, but she felt better than she had in a long while. Trying to lift her head and look around, she growled in pain and fell back into the welcoming softness, trying to figure out what she was missing.

'Oh, you're awake!,' a surprised voice said. 'Keep laying still honey, you need your energy.' A warm hand felt her forehead. 'You're fever is down. That's better.' The hand tucked Riley back under the blankets and for a moment she wanted to give in to the cosy warmth that seduced her weakened and aching body. Then it hit her.

'Brent?' Her voice was croaky from not using it for too long and her throat felt dry. 'Brent?!' Alarmed that he didn't answer, she opened her eyes again, now fully aware she was somewhere unknown. The nurse who had taken care of her stuck her head around the corner of the door.

'Your brother is away with your cousin. He'll be back soon.'

'Cousin? No...' He couldn't have left me here all alone, could he? 'Brent!' Sudden panic run through her body and she jumped out of bed, regretting it immediately as her legs gave up on her, simply because she had no strength left. Riley yelled when her head hit the floor. The machines checking on her started beeping and she pulled all the tubes and wires loose. 'BRENT!'

The nurse ran up to her.

'Oh girl, what are you doing? Come, let me get you back to bed.'

'Get away from me!' Riley flung her arm towards the woman, who backed away.

'Honey, let me take care of you, you're not fit enough to do stupid things.' The lady approached again, but Riley crawled away, now crying in full anxiety. Brent, please get me out of here. Where am I? Come back!

'Brent! BRENT!'

'Riley!' His voice was like a soothing medicine for her outrageous panic attack. She felt like she could breathe again as soon as he took her in his arms. 'Ssshh! Riley, calm down. I'm right here, see?' He lifted her off the ground and took her on his lap when he sat down on the bed. His fingers stroking through her hair had a calming effect and after a while she stopped sobbing onto his shoulder.

'Where are we?' Her voice was a mere whisper.

'Eh...' Riley felt Brent looking up and she turned to follow his look, only to see a young man walking up to them.

'Who is he?!' Suddenly alarmed again, she jumped off Brent's lap and hid behind him on the bed, peeking over his shoulder. 'Where are we, Brent? What is this?' The guy lifted his hands, looking innocent. His dark clothes were worn out, his hair and stubble longer than it probably should be and he wore gaugs in his ears. There was a fresh scar over his right eyebrow.

'I'm David,' he said. 'Me and my friend Hayden saved you and your brother from outside. We brought you back to Fallout City to get medical attention. We're underground, away from-'

'We're what?' The idea of being underground made her feel like she was suffocating again. She stared at the guy named David, her eyes big with fear. 'We're underground?! No, no, no, no! Not again! Brent, you promised me!' She pulled on her brothers sleeve and crawled back up to him, again sobbing in terror.

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