Name Change

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Hey guys! It's Emily. The title basically says what I'm going to be talking about, but yeah. I'm changing my account name.

I want to focus my account on not just Garmau, but other fandoms too.

This does not mean I'm giving up on Garmau! Garmau will always be my first OTP and I will continue writing those fanfics!

I just want to start writing about other ships that I like. I'm just starting to watch more Animes and I have ships to write about.

Of course, I'll continue writing Usernames and the Garmau One Shots, I just want to expand my horizons.

(That also means I'm going to change my Twitter name to @_Shippers_Unite_)

I hope you guys understand this and continue to support me no matter what I write about.

You guys have all helped me so much since I started this account and I love you all so much.

It'll take a while for me to start writing other things so I'll just continue with Usernames until I feel comfortable enough publishing other books.

Thank you all for your constant support on everything I've done. You guys mean so much to me and I can't imagine where I'd be without you all. You guys are the best!

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