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yijeong got out of his bed, more excited than ever. he never really was a morning person, but the thought that he was going to meet his favourite artist in less than a week had excited him too much to get any sleep.

kyungil, song kyungil. It rolls of the young boy's tongue so beautifully, as if it was the most touching and professional type of poetry, written by the very best author alive. like the way the smoothest possible brush glides on the paper of a desperate artist.


the short boy wasn't anything out of the ordinary, a normal 23 year old dropout. he had idols, had some sort of a passion for dance and was really good at it(since that is how he made money), yet lately he had lost his interest in it, along with pretty much everything else.

yet he kept doing it, he was sure kyungil would be proud of him for not giving up. his favourite idol had always encouraged his fans to never give up.

he intended on telling the older boy all the things he has done for him when he meets him. all the ways he had saved him in, he wanted to make the elder boy smile and laugh, he wanted to make him as happy as his idol makes him every day.

yijeong had insecurities.

in general, he thought he was average looking, yet there were days he just wanted to wear a hat over his entire face, and despite his career being a dancer, where he was in the spotlight a lot, it has never changed his insecurities.

he usually didn't pay attention to them, he doesn't really care what other think, but he would indeed be lying if he said he didn't care about his flaws and what his idol would say about them when they met.

he loved the tall male with all his heart and was thrilled he had managed to get tickets to the only concert where there were actual meet and greets, not just a hi-touch.

of course, that meant flying across the country, but it was very much worth it.

every day, the boy gets up to do his morning routine: he's lucky enough to be able to wake up at 9 in the morning every day, slowly get ready and head to practice which started at 11 for him. he would often get days off, so his profession certainly wasn't anything to complain about.

in the evening, at about 7, he headed home by subway. he never minded it, though. he did have more than enough money for a car, yet never really found the joy in it so he decided to not get a driver's license, and hiring a taxi somehow seemed useless to him.

on the way home, he'd pick up some takeout and eat it at home in front of his smart tv, rewatching kyungil's videos for the 100th time.

not a very eventful life indeed, yet the thing that finally made his life exciting and filled with emotions was him meeting kyungil; the thing he had been looking forward to for ages. he might not have been there since the very start, since he didn't know about him before, yet he knew every single thing about him now, from his habits to his favourite number, to that little smile that appeared on his face when he was nervous, the small hand-rubbing he did when sad or uncomfortable.

The one thing yijeong really adored about kyungil, though? his lips. lots of people told yijeong that he had beautiful lips, yet he had always found more interest in the idol's pretty pink ones.

those soft precious lips, his smile, his pout, anything to do with his silk-like lips that were just begging to get kissed.

i have too many drafts so i'm gonna try publishing most soon.

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