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the boy spent quite a while in the line, just waiting. countless thoughts were running through his head, most being extremely positive. he was about to talk to his idol once more.

it didn't feel like a long time, though, since the boy's mind was absolutely flooded with pointless thoughts.

finally, as it was his turn, he took a deep breath. his shirt balled up in his fists and lip between his teeth, he slowly swayed to the table his idol was sitting at.

he smiled at him and saw kyungil smile back at him. they greeted eachother as yijeong bowed down at a nearly perfect 90° angle. the idol asked the rehearsed things, like who he should make the autograph on his new album out to, what his name was and the smaller boy was getting nervous.

as a bit of silence passed in the short time they had together, he hesitantly asked "do you remember me?" whilst not forgetting to stutter and fidget with his hands.

the idol hadn't heard him and asked him to repeat what he said.

as the boy did as asked, confusion spread throughout the idol's face.

they'd met before?

he'd always feel bad about not remembering every single one of his fans. and even though this one was quite cute, he couldn't recall him.

as the boy noticed, he described the situation in which they met, growing extremely nervous and embarrassed, only making kyungil's eyebrows furrow more.

the star smiled at him and slightly shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I dont remember you."

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