The First Letter

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Dear Tyson,

I miss you bud. It's pretty lonely without you here. I know it's been a year, but I still love you. Mom wants to get a new dog, but I'm not sure about that. I just don't want to replace you, ya know. Today Amelia finally learned how to swim. Remember that time when you jumped in the pool with her? That was pretty funny! I'm pretty sure you thought she was drowning, or that her arm floaties had grabbed her. She's to little to know where you went, and she keeps asking when you are coming home from the vet. Oh, guess what? I got a new camera! I don't know if you remember my old one, but my new one is so much better! I already have so many pictures! How is it up there, wherever you are. I hope you eat all you want, and play as much as you can! I even think the cat misses you, surprise right?! Any way, I love you!!

Miss you!


Author's Note:

I tried to make this first one happy. Not sure how that turned out though. Whoops. Anyway, if you want to see anything specific in future ones, let me know! Not sure when I'm going to update so please be patient!

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