Cosplay - Yoosung/707

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Written by kayloara
Proofread by UnknownUser707
"Man, this place is huge! I can't wait to try out all the games!" Yoosung exclaimed as he ran through the entrance doors of the convention after the security test, looking around excitedly."Heck yeah, I can't wait to buy tons of cat stuff! Jumin won't let me have Elly but I shall build an army of kitty stuff and get my revenge!" Seven struck a pose, opening a packet of Honey Buddha Chips and making his friend sigh. "You still owe me that box of chips... But anyway, the cosplay contest is going to be so cool! Even the cosplayers walking around here are really cool! Oh my god, is that a cosplay of the LOLOL mage?! " the blonde-haired dork gasped and took his phone out to snap a picture."Yoosung!" his friend picked him up and started tickling him to prevent him from taking a photo, "You have to ask for permission first!""Oh... you're right! Oops. Excuse me, sir!" he yelled, running through the rows of colourful stalls lined with posters, plushies and all kind of products from different franchises and categories. "Wait! Oh, never mind. See you at the cosplay contest later!" Seven called out before walking off, carrying his bag, one strap slung across his shoulder. The red haired hacker decided to get some merch before getting ready to surprise Yoosung later...

"Where is Seven... I'll never find him, it's so busy here. Is he even in this room? Oh well, he's the one who's missing out. The games were so cool! Everything is so cool! But I wish he'd show up, I have so much stuff and can't carry anything else..." Yoosung looked around the dark room, watching the J-Pop performers dance and sing on stage, reflected on the different screens held up on the ceiling. The lights were all shining upon the stage, and the crowd was getting more and more excited for the upcoming contest. Only a few more minutes now...

For some reason, he couldn't get a hold of him, Seven just simply wasn't responding no matter how many times his gamer friend tried to contact him. Yoosung went through the photos he took of the cosplays he saw during the next few minutes while he was still waiting. The LOLOL mage, a whole team of people cosplaying LOLOL characters, this anime character, that anime character, a girl dressed as a kitsune, another as a sexy girl revealing quite a lot of cleavage... Needless to say, that last photo was taken for Seven, since he knew how much he liked cats and he had noticed the hacker have a nosebleed as a result of a similar photo he found on the internet by accident once. His actions were interrupted by a loud announcement saying the contest was about to start and the lights illuminating the room switched to the stage, bringing a man dressed as Link into the spotlight.

"Welcome everyone, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls! And welcome to the Cosplay Contest of the day! We have many lovely contestants for you today, representing several games or anime and countries! I'm here with my trustworthy assistant, Navi!" There was a round of applause as another man, wearing a ridiculously bright blue wig and dressed in a sparkly blue fairy dress, complete with wigs, bracing himself for the laughter."Yes, yes Link. As you said, we have a lot of contestants for you today, and thank you for coming here! There are so many of you here! Well, without further ado, let's start! Our first contestants today, from Germany, are straight out of Noragami! Let's hear a loud round of applause for Yato and Yukine!"The contestants performed, one after the other, each one more amazing and memorable than the last. Every performance was reflected in Yoosung's eyes as he watched in awe, hoping to someday be able to cosplay a character and act it out as passionately as the people in front of him. He joined in every time the crowd 'ooohed' and 'aaahhhed', clapping his hands together every time someone walked on and off stage, completely mesmerized by the whole thing.

Before he knew it, it was the last performance already and the cosplayers this time were from Korea. He expected a group of people to run on stage, but the gamer was surprised when only one person came. He seemed confident and oddly familiar, but Yoosung couldn't tell why he looked so familiar and just guessed it was because he had seen the character before. His purple eyes pursued the cosplayer's first moves, watching as the techno music kicked in. The cosplay was very well made, and portrayed Noiz from Dramatical Murder perfectly, every piercing in the right place. The innocent boy couldn't help but gasp as he watched the person on stage start to breakdance, following the rhythm spotlessly. He was alone on stage, but he really stole everyone's attention. His costume wasn't falling apart, but stayed on rather well compared to some others Yoosung had seen earlier. After what seemed like long minutes of fascinating and hypnotic breakdancing, keeping a façade that represented Noiz, the cosplayer came to a stop and bowed before the audience before leaving, melting into the shadows again.

"Wow... That was insane. Seven doesn't know what he missed out on...."

"Seven! Finally! Where have you been? And what are you holding?" Yoosung tackled the hacker as soon as he saw him a half-hour later."See for yourself!" Seven pushed the prize into Yoosung's hands before leaving in another direction again, a large grin illuminating his face.
"A cosplay prize? No way... You were that cosplayer?! Hey, wait for me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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