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The Ballad of the House of Hame

*Roughly translated into English

Author Unknown

Long before the March of Peligo,

Before the Crossing of the Traney,

There once lived a warrior,

Who fought from earth, and sky, and sea.

To live,

to live,

to live in the House of Hame,

great pride and honor indeed,

Dare name another house with

so pow'ful creed.

To die,

to die,

to die as one of them

is to be in the league

as that darling who bleed,

whose bodies she free'd,

and the hunt she lead

with face so dark and grim.

Whomever crossed the fearsome lass

by shorting her few pence

invited hell upon their person,

from now and to anon and hence.

The spite was her,

boiling and bast

as any springsummer wave,

and that is why,

you're hearing this song,

from this cheerful, light hearted knave.




she left the world never the same!

She fought and she strove

stole and she tore

and sent them timely to their grave.

However it frightens fa-mi-ly,

it's hard not to show pride,

because we all want to be of

the House of Hame,

deep down, and true,


Courtesy of the New Maruq Historical Preservation Society


Altamar is a trick system.

It's one chock full of ironies and coincidences and sarcastic but gracious quips.

It dangles you on the brink of destruction before it safely guides you back to your true path.

For some, it's what breaks hearts into reformed brains. For others, it's what tosses saltwater organisms onto land and grows them shaky branches most call legs.

For some, it's to be born different, and for others just a bit more different.

You end as you begin, but reborn in way. An elegant cheating of Death.

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