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Joey's POV

*On the Wedding Day*

Zoella: Joey you will be fine. If you have too think of Bob's my uncle. you know frim the British slang video.

I laughed.

Joey: Ya. Come one we need to drive to the church.

Zoella: Don't Faff Joey.

Joey: So no big airy farts got it.

Zoella: No just chill Joey you will be fine.

Joey: Ok. I won't worry and I won't do a big airy fart.

Zoella: Puff. Faffing is not something that you should do. hey are you alright? Your face is really red.

Joey: What?

Zoella took the back of her hand and felt ny forehead.

Zoella: You need to stay home. Your fever is really high.

she got out her phone and called someone. I fell to the ground.

Zoella: Oh my god. Joey can you hear me?

I moaned. she made another call.

Zoella's POV

911: Hello please state your emergency.

Zoella: Hello my friend has collapsed. he has a really high fever.

911: Calm down mam an ambulance will be at your aid in a few moments. Can you tell us your friends name?

Zoella: Joey. Joey Graceffa.

911: Please hold on. an ambulance will be there soon.

she hung up. I had to call shane.

Shane: Hello?

Zoella: Hey Shane. it's Zoella. Joey is going to the hospital. he has a high fever and he collapsed. they are here I need to go.

Shane: Wait what?

I hung up.

Shane's POV

I need to postpone the wedding now. why today? of all days why today?

Shane: Sorry everyone. the wedding is postponed till Joey gets out of the hospital.

everyone gasped. you could hear everyone talking all at once. I could only hear the screams of death calling my name.

Shane: Zoella must still be with Joey. I hope so. and why am I talking to myself.

ok on my way.  He will be fine.  my breathing is really heavy. I finally got there and Joey was not here. where are they? I began to panic. my breathing got faster and heavier. it hurt to breathe. It was harder and harder each breath. I gasped and then fell to the ground. there were doctors coming to me. then I saw Joey on a gernie and Zoella running close behind. I tried to get out Joey's name. Joey was all I could think about.

Shane: Joey!

I yell with faint touch of air in my voice. a tear rolled down my cheek. seeing him here calmed me down a little bit. They put a oxygen mask on me. I breathed at little better. I had to remove it to talk.

Shane: Joey. Is he ok?

Doctor: I don't know.

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