The first meeting.

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His pov~


I am sitting together with Iruka-Sensei, laughing out loud as he tells me another one of his stories. We are both slurping on our ramen, and its nice and warm outside. It's a wonderful evening.

I barely notice the seat next to me being taken, and just push over my now empty bowl of ramen, and just when I am about to shout for another one, I hear a soft giggle.

"Hey!" the voice complains, but there is no anger in it, "don't push your bowl over to me!"

I look over, and stare for a moment. A smile greets me, and absolutely breathtaking one. A finger pokes my forehead, and I can't help but blush.

"Oh, sorry, sorry! Didn't see you there!" I quickly tell the young girl, heat rising to my cheeks. But she just shrugs and reaches for her own bowl again.

"You owe me a bowl now", she decides playfully, and I blush even harder when she grins at me. But I nod, furiously so. "Sure!"

"Oh, will you pay for me, too?" Iruka-Sensei asks, forcing me to turn my eyes away from the beautiful girl.

"No way!" I complain and the girl next to me chuckles with my sensei.


I've been training all morning. I came here before sunrise, and slowly I can feel my chakra running out. It's frustrating, and I grit my teeth in annoyance. Still too weak, is all I can think.

I freeze when I hear footsteps. They are light and quiet, but I still hear them. Nobody just sneaks up on me! I close my eyes, trying to make out where the noise is coming from. Then I dash forward, ready to attack. I'm in front of the village, and this early in the morning there aren't any official visitors. So what is this person doing here now?

I hunt after them, gritting my teeth yet again. Have I really exhausted myself that much? Or are they really that fast?

Eventually, I catch up with them. I have to, if they're an enemy...

I grab a hold of their shoulder, and I can tell they are surprised when they lose their balance. Together, we stumble to the ground, and I pin the small figure to the ground underneath me.

"What do you want here?!" I demand, staring down into wide, mostly surprised but also slightly annoyed eyes.

Pretty eyes...

"What are you doing?!" the girl shoots back, frowning up at me. She doesn't seem scared by me. Did I make a mistake? Is she perhaps not an enemy to the village? It would explain those gentle eyes...

"What is your purpose here?" I demand again, still pinning her to the ground. I see a small blush cross her cheeks when I lean down, but she composes herself.

"I am from the Hidden Village of the (V/N), and I am delivering a message to the Hokage! And now I'll definitely be late because of you! Get off me!"

I stare down at her for a moment, study her. And for some odd reason, I believe her.

"Alright. Then I'll bring you to him... Tell him why you're late."

"... Sounds fair."


Ino has been talking about her cousin coming over from (V/N) to visit her for two whole weeks now, and all I can do is sigh and close my eyes whenever she starts it again. Explaining how amazing she is and how funny and nice... How can someone be that happy to see someone else? It's so troublesome, but hopefully she'll calm down once the girl is here.

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