His thoughts as you grow closer.

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His pov~


I wonder why I never noticed her before. Almost every day, we sit with each other enjoying our ramen. Did she come here often before, too? I really can't tell. But I like the idea of her coming here just to see me. Its probably not true, but I can hope, right?

She laughs a lot and makes me laugh, too. She seems so cheerful all the time. I like trying to impress her. She isn't a ninja herself, but her cousins are, and she admires them, she once told me that. So naturally, I have to try and show off a bit. I want her to look at me with those sparkling eyes all the time. They make my heart race, every damn time.


I know she won't spend much time in the village. I know she is only here on duty. And I know she's annoyed with me for holding her up.

But when the Hokage orders me to take care of her and show her around, I can't help but be glad, in a way. We don't talk much when I bring her from one high ranking ninja to another, and she seems concentrated on her task to stabilise the relationship between her village and ours, but I respect it. I admire it, in a way. How well she handles all the officials. How firm but polite she is.

And sometimes when the days are growing old and we sit together outside the village, waiting until its night time and time for us to part. I have come to dread the times when we have to say goodbye. When she goes into a hotel and I have to go back home. And with every night that passes, my fear of her leaving grows stronger.

It feels so unlike myself, and it annoys me, too. But I can't help myself.


My hopes of Ino calming down as soon as (Y/N) arrives are crushed. The two of them have a lot to catch up on, and they talk for hours without a pause sometimes. But I don't mind as much as I thought I would. Her voice is soothing, and her laugh is absolutely adorable. Adorable? Did I really just think that? Geez, she really does something to me.

She spends a lot of time with my team, but sometimes I get the chance to be alone with her. Sometimes we sit together, waiting for Ino and Choji, and we just stare at the sky. She can be so quiet sometimes. So calm and gentle. And she looks so beautiful when she closes her eyes, the wind playing with her hair. That gentle smile in her face never ceases to make my heart race. I can't calm down when she is next to me, and as troublesome as it is, I quite enjoy the feeling, too.


I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her when she arrived here with the head of her clan. But it did give me a nice impression of her. I never talked to her in school, never noticed her too much. But the day after the great gathering at the Hyuga household, I can't help but walk up to her. And she smiles gently at me, and immediately chatters away. She mainly talks about Hinata and how close they got and how nice she is.

And from then on, whenever she sees me, she talks to me as if we had gotten just as close. For some reason, she sees me as her friend, and as much as it confuses me, I enjoy it. I look forward to it, each and every day. She has such a gentle air about her. She is so powerful and intelligent. And whenever she smiles at me as we walk past each other, I can't help but smile to myself for the rest of the day. She really is something, isn't she?


She really does love animals. It's what drives me to her, every day. At least that's what I tell myself. Also, Akamaru enjoys her presence, so its only natural I visit a lot, right? She loves  Akamaru, she loves cats and dogs and when is she ever without a pet at hand? But in the end, I come back to see that smile again. She can be grumpy and snappy sometimes, and it's always a challenge with her - not that I don't enjoy a good challenge - but when she is in a good mood and smiles, it takes my breath away.

We often sit outside her house, petting some stray cats that often visit her house, and I just stare at her as she coos and plays with them. She can be calm, or fiery, playful or gentle. And each of those aspects just make me want to come closer and closer to her. I can just hope she feels the same way about me, too.


The way back to Konoha isn't nearly as long as I want it to be. She is wonderful company. Quiet when she notices I am in a tense mood, loud and playful when she notices I am in the mood for it. And she knows quiet a lot. She is a ninja, and from what I hear not a bad one. But she doesn't show off. She isn't too humble about it, but not too proud of it. And she has much more to talk about than just her powers. She smiles brightly when she talks about something she enjoys, and her eyes light up. It looks absolutely beautiful. She looks absolutely beautiful. I can't stop myself from staring at her, and sometimes it's hard to listen to what she has to say. I get so lost in her shining eyes that I can't quite keep up with her. Would she mind? I hope she wouldn't.


It is a little hard to catch her at first. She usually drops her niece off, and the little girl's mother is the one to pick her back up. So I never really got a chance to get to know her properly. It isn't until I sit at Ichiraku's one evening and feel a light tap on my shoulder that I actually get to meet her. She was smiling brightly at me that day, looking a little embarrassed. Was she disturbing me, she asked. I just laughed, shook my head. How could she? She smiled and sat down next to me. And we talked the whole evening. Mostly about her little niece. An extraordinary child. A sweet girl. (Y/N)'s whole pride and joy. She sure does love kids. And they return the favour.

I still don't see her nearly as much as I'd like to. But every other day she'd come along after school to pick up her niece, and each time, we'd chat away a little longer, trying to ignore her niece's smug little smirk.


I felt stupid for coming back to the tea shop the next free day I had. Our first meeting was pure luck, I didn't even have much of a hope to see her again. But I had to. As soon as a free day presented itself, I rushed back to the full little tea shop, and sat there for hours, waiting. Of course, she didn't show up.

Even the next two times I got there, no sign of her.
I put a stop to it, annoyed with myself for spending so much time looking out for a girl I didn't even know properly. But one day, when I was feeling particularly down, I couldn't help myself. I went back there.

Waited for an hour.

Then another.

And then there she was. Looking straight at me. A blush on her cheeks.

I couldn't help but smirk then. Had she looked for me, too?

Without a word, I nodded for her to sit down across the table from me, and she did. We mumbled our Hello's, and then both of us went back to reading.

And from there on, whenever I come around, she is there. A cup of tea in front of her, a book in her lap. She smiles as she greets me. Asks me how I am. She is excellent at doing small talk without bring up any touchy subjects. She is a great listener, and she enjoys talking, too. It takes her a while to tell me more personal details, but that's alright. It's clever of her.

But altogether, we don't talk as much as we just sit there together, read, sip on some tea and enjoy the busy but cheerful atmosphere of the tea shop. And ever so often I get to stare at her as she reads, and its most likely the highlight of the week. What a calming person she is....

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