Chapter 10

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My dreams are getting more vivid by the night since I had that conversation with that girl. She really got under my skin, and I find I can't get her out of my head. My dreams remain the same, but now I find each evening the details of my mystery girl keep getting more evident. They always end up looking like that girl from Aphellium.

The dream girl has dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes, just like her.   My dream was the same as it was before, my heart reaching out for her, with me slowly bending down to rest my lips on her, and every morning getting abruptly interrupted.

"COLIN GET UP! TODAY IS YOUR BIG DAY HONEY MUFFIN, YOU CAN'T BE LATE!" I heard my mother screech from downstairs. I moaned and turned in my bed. That is, until I realized today was The Choosing. My guardian will be chosen for me.

This made me leap out of my bed, and rush into the bathroom. I brushed my hair, teeth, and anywhere else I could brush.  When I returned to my room, my special uniform was laid out before me. This uniform was used solely for this event. It was royal blue, with golden lining all over. There were medals strung from both breast pockets, two on each side. I grinned, noticing that these medals were given to me throughout my years, for exemplary behaviour and skill.

I wore my uniform with pride, and walked out of my room with a bounce in my step. I shovelled my breakfast quickly, eggs and bacon. I wanted to get to the ceremony as fast as possible.

My parents were already waiting for me in their carriage. Their carriage is much more luxurious than mine, with it being white and lined with gold, with a beautiful chandelier hanging from the top. They were both grinning ear to ear, and I returned their smile with a huge grin on my face. My mother wore a tight dress, the same colour as my uniform. My father wore his uniform, though his Guardian had died in battle.

On my way, I pondered who my Guardian could be. Strong or Smart? Witty or Tough? More and more of these questions pooled through my mind. The ride seemed endless this time, though just the sound of horse hooves put me at ease. We will be there soon enough I say to myself to try to calm my excitement.

When I arrived at the school, we were escorted to the gym by my father's guard. The trumpets blared as I made my entrance. In the audience sat all of the princes on one side, each in their own colours from their kingdom. On the other side sat all of the soon-to-be Guardians, to which one will become mine today.

I walked up the red carpet laid in front of me, coming directly between both sides of students. Up at the end of the carpet was the stage, which I walked up with as much confidence as I could muster. I turned and sat in the gold chair in front of me. It was rather beautiful, with its red cushions and emerald green gems lining the edges.

The headmaster arrived on the stage, speaking many religious words, and pouring a sparkling purple liquid into two silver glasses. This liquid was called Folic, and was the bonding beverage you drink when forming the forever bond with your Guardian. I grinned as I saw the glasses, knowing it was finally my turn.

I took a moment to look around. I saw my parents up on a balcony. There were beautiful tapestries of me on all four walls, some with me on horses, some in battle. What surprised me was the sparkling chandelier in the middle of the gym ceiling. How'd they get that up there?  I wonder to myself.

The headmaster made a coughing noise, and woke me from my trance. He beckoned me forward, to which I followed up to stand beside him. He took my hand in his, his palms beginning to radiate a beautiful white.

"AHA!" he exclaims, startling me. "My dear Colin, your time has come. Your Guardian has been chosen" he says, a grin playing on his face. "Are you prepared to receive your ever strong ally? One to which will never betray you, and one you will have with you all your life, to keep you safe and provide you with a strong friendship?" I was speechless, so I nodded in reply, in the most princely way I could muster.

"Alright. Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I am proud to name the Guardian of Prince Colin is Elizabeth Burkley!"

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