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Legendary Rider Of The Shadow Dragon

Let's start with the beginning.

     "Once upon a time, there was a happy family, who lived in the world of the sky lands just like us. They raised their child, a daughter, with the joy of riding and a deep love of dragons. She was a happy little girl, who wanted to be friends with all the kids in the sky lands.

     One day, she was givin' an egg from her mother, its shell coat as black as night, during her tenth birthday.

     "Now, take good care of it, little one. This egg will change your life in the most magical of ways." Her mother said to her young daughter, smiling as she saw the twinkle of wonder in her eyes. Her father joined in with his wonderful little family and basked in the happy sight of his little girl, rushing back and forth through the rooms of the den to find blankets and pillows for the Black egg to rest on. All was happy...


     One night, a mysterious breeze opened the little girl's window. She woke up and looked out the opened window, she saw her mother and father walk into the dark woods of the night. She hurried to pack her egg in a basket filled with hay, to ensure that the egg wouldn't brake, and ran after her parents. It wasn't long before she caught up with them, only to see a sight she will forever remember. She called out to them as they were submerged in a white ball of glowing dust.

     They looked back with sad smiles, not stopping themselves entering further into the glowing orb.

     "Do not be sad my child, you will see us again." Said the father. The mother reached out a hand, some white dust in her palm, and gently sprinkled it on the basket that held her dearest egg.

  "Come out, little beast that sleeps beneath your dark shell. Spread your wings and protect your master, and make sure she is well."

     The child's mother whispers as the basket glowed. The little girl shook it off as the egg floated up in the air, then it cracked. Out exploded a little baby dragon, it's scales as black as charcoal and eyes as blue as sapphire jewels, just like his little master.

     But this was payed no mind to the little girl, for she kept calling out to her dear mother and father. But it was in vain, for they drifted up with the white orb, to the heavens they go.

     Yes, they left their child with no say of where they are going, but that, my friend, is only the beginning.

     The girl grew up in forever darkness, away from the light of people close to her. Away from her friends, away from those who thought greatly of her, forever to never see each other again. All that one can say was that she roamed around the sky lands, never to appear in one place.
     One night, a blue moonlight shine upon her sleeping body. In that light was a voice, a woman's voice filled with warmth and sorrow. It said to the sleeping girl,

" I do not wish to see you wilt in the dark shadow of your heart, shine as bright as the dark is black. You may be the keeper of the shadow dragon but let it not represent who you are. I shall put you in a pod of dreams, so you can wait til the light that will brighten the darkness in your heart appears. Do not fear for your dragon for it will sleep too beneath the earth where it's quite and will not be  disturbed from slumber."

     The girl was risen up by the blue dust from the moon light. It circled around her at all sides, creating an orb made of blue dust. It was the same for her dragon but the dust was black.
     The voice came once again,

     "when awoken you may call upon your dragon once again. Dance the Shadow Call in gace and carry out your journey with the ones that care for you. May life serve you well, my daughter."

     , as the voice disappears both orbs were suspended in the air and led to their separate ways. Waiting til the light will arrive to brighten her heart.

But of course, its always different every hundred years or so. But open your eyes, you might just find her dragons shadow up above in the sky. Be careful, one blink and you might miss her wicked grin when passing by.", a girl sighed. The mix of blue colors shifted around her as she moved around in zero like gravity.

She laughed to herself,"Like hell I would be able to get out. Mama said every one is loved by someone important. Someone who is ment to be with you throughout years to come. To damn with that."

The girl placed a hand on the blue swirl marking near her heart. "Who would love someone who is cursed since birth." Her voice trembled. "Mama, why tell me such a story when you know I can't be sure if it true or not? Finding out for myself is suffering. How much longer should I wait til this person comes to me-Ah!"

A sudden heating shock scorched her body. The heat left her gasping, panting as she huddled to herself.

"Haa...haaa..ah..its hot. What's...damn it!"

Her vision started to become blurry. The hairs on her skin tingle and shivered. The dust surrounding her started to swirl and shift around her body. The specks attaching them selfs on her pale skin.

Then, everything felt suffocating. The heat of her body was boiling her alive. The blue dust making it hard to take even a single breath.

The girl hissed in pain as her body continued to burn within her skin. Hands shaking, limbs shivering, teeth gritting, all of her body was suffering from the unexpected firey burn. The girl did her best to open her eyes wide enough to see. Wanting to know what is happening to her.

To her notice, the dust was now stuck to her skin. Once a pale brown, is now a shimmering blue. She moved her painfully shaking hands from side to side, seeing that the dust not only covered her skin but also made a thick enough layer for her body to be covered appropriately and protected what needs to be unseen.

Then everything stood still, the burn, the dusty wind, everything. The girl huffed in exhaustion. She was thankful that the pain was gone, her body slowly shaking less and relaxing in numb feeling of relief. All that was left is the strange hot air that felt to heavy to breath in. The dust on her face was of no help at all.

She was confused, nothing of this moment was normal. Looking around, the swirls of the orb still moved around but the color was much different. It seemed more bright and vibrant rather than dark and shimmery. The light blue color around her was a nice change, the patterns swirling to and from all sides around the girl made her feel better I'm some way. Forgetting that the air was hot and a little dry.

And soon she became tired. Calm and warm in this magical orb that came to take her away into the night and never to be seen again.

Not until, at least, she awakens again with a destiny.

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