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Once outside Jack paced in front of me slowly and I held my breath.

"The first problem is you are trying to hard to conceal your feelings, but it is hindering your ability to control the powers." He said running his fingers threw his icy white hair.

"There is no way to control it I've tried." I argued meekly.

"Ah I see so you're just going to hide here forever?" Jack asked raising an eyebrow.

"It isn't that simple Jack I'm not like you, you help people all I've done is hurt people." I argued putting my hands behind my back again.

"That fear is what is going to get you into trouble. You run on the fear, take the coronation for example yikes!" He laughed rolling his eyes.

"How do you know about that?"  I gasped shocked,

"Give me some credit Elsa I'm Jack Frost, I'm suppose to be the one making the storms. So when I heard about a ton of storms not created by me I got curious." He answered sounding like he was in another world.

I stared at him for a moment but then he looked at me smiling. "So unless I want to be out of a job I'm going to have to get you to stop making snow storms in the middle of the summer."

I nodded yawning a little remembering I had been trying to sleep when he showed up. He seemed to notice the same thing because he smiled softly.

"Meet me here tomorrow at noon." He said bowing slightly then jumping off the ground.

Then he was gone flying threw the air with ease. I sighed walking back inside the castle and lying down in my bed. What did he mean about there being a way to control my powers? He had to be kidding right? Was there any chance I would be able to be around my sister again without hurting her. So many questions ran threw my mind until finally I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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