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- The sea looks calm from afar -  

"Thank God it's Friday already," thought the teen, patiently waiting for the final bell to ring. 

Today was the day, the day he confesses his true feeling to the red haired dork. Due to the fact he was in the closet, anxiety washed upon the shore. 

Finally, the bell rang. The boy quickly handed a note to his crush and rushed past him. The note read, 'Please meet me by the tree near the libary. It's kinda urgent.'

- White clouds are brewing on the horizon -  

The artificial redhead made his way to the location, after throwing the note away. Little did he know, he missed. He wondered what was the urgency. Lost in thought he finally arrived at the destination. He made eye contact with the boy in front of him asking, "Whats up my friend?"

'Friend" that word hit the boys heart with a pang. 'Ouch, friend zoned already hahaha... Keep up your hopes up Hoonie'  he gave himself a little pep talk. "I've been admiring you from afar for the past few years and aw fuck it. I like you. There that's all I wanted to say. Hopefully, you feel the same" 

"Oh" was the only words that come out of the redhead. An awkward silence enveloped the mood. 

- The white clouds are getting darker and closer to shore - 

"So, do yo-" 

"I'm sorry, I can't return the same emotions. Hopefully, we could stay friends"

Friends. That was the word that broke the boy's heart into pieces, finer than any sand.

- The first raindrops hit the shore with a chilly breeze -

"Kiseop! what are you doing here? I've been waiting for you at the front gate"

"Kevin, I was just leaving. Let's go my love. Goodbye Hoon and sorry about that" 

Just like that he left, leaving him in deep despair. 

- A storm has touched ashore, when will it leave? - 

Friends, they did remain, but distant like land in an open ocean. 

- The storm left, but emotion did remain sealed in a glass bottle afloat in the waters. patiently waiting to be discovered by someone else -

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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