Type's of....

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Landrys pov
I sat up my camara and started to film my YouTube video type's of commercials.

When I was done with that I edited and then posted it.

Rickys pov
I was scrolling through YouTube and then I go on to trending and I see a girl I never seen before in first place.

"Who's this?" I ask Emery and Liam who where with me.

They lean over and they stare at me confused "how could you not know who she is that's Landry Bender she has over 13 million subscriber's she even has more then iisuperwomanii." Emery said annoyed.

"Well sorry I'm not on YouTube that often." I defend myself.

"Look watch this video she made." Liam said sitting in between me and Emery.

"Okay​ you win she's really funny." I said.

"Told ya." Said Emery.

"Oh dude Emery we have to go now." Liam said.

"Bye Ricky." They both say.

"Bye guys." I said.

When they leave I go to my room and notice my mom is going to be here in 30 minutes.

I deside to see more of this Landry girl.

(pretend its Landry in all these videos)

It was getting late so I put my laptop away and headed to bed.

Landry's pov
I woke up and put this on my outfit⬇

I go to Instagram and see someone new is following me

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I go to Instagram and see someone new is following me. His name is
I clicked on his name and apparently he's a pop singer. I guess it's okay​ to follow him back. I just needed to make sure he wasn't a creep.

I followed him back and I headed to school.

There like ten girls come up to me.

"OMG RICKY GARCIA FOLLOWED YOU ON INSTAGRAM AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN FOLLOW HIM FIRST WE ARE SO JELLY. CONGRATS!!" A girl named Penny yelled so then the whole school looked at us.

"Um thanks." I said confused on why people thought it was that big of a deal.

Luckily the bell rang and everyone went to class.

Ricky's pov
I finally wake up and see a new notification from Instagram. How long did I even sleep. But I was up for a long time so.......


I get up and see that that Landry girl followed me back.
I was worried she wouldn't for some reason.
I got up and changed and went to get breakfast...well more like lunch now.

Landry's pov

I got home from school and just desided to post something on Instagram.

I got home from school and just desided to post something on Instagram

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LandryBender photo shoot 2 days ago
View 237 more comments

Fiymglory anyone else freaking out cause @realrickygarcia liked

Landryonfleek gorgeous

Fiymdom are you and @realrickygarcia dating

Whats up with all these comments about me and this Ricky dude dating

Ricky's pov
I saw that Landry posted a new picture on Insta and I got to admit she looked really cute. I liked the picture and about 5 minutes later I saw that everyone was commenting on her picture about us dating. We haven't even met. Yes she's cute but I don't know her. If I did I would love to date her...Bad thing is I don't know her.

Landry's pov
OMG these comments!!

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