Message 2

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Dear Maisie,
Do I miss you?

It's been over 2 weeks, and we still are not speaking. I don't know your reasons, but I am kind of finding out my own. In a way, I guess I am still shocked you would make up something so false about me, but in another way, I guess I just don't want to go back to how it was before. Last year, we were getting close. But I am sure you are aware that you also began to really get close with your "group" of friends. It's not that I want to invite myself into that group, by all means I am not their friend, and they definitely would not want to consider me one, but it's hard.

Take for instance the time everyone was going to the football game and I didn't have a ride. I asked you, thinking we could go together, and you said that you were "thinking" of having people over. I, being stupid, thought you hadn't already planned this. Sorry about that. It's just situations like that were I intrude, and it becomes awkward for you and me.

But to go back to the situation.. I am mad. You completely changed my story and words and everything and you know it! I just want to know, why aren't you talking to me?

Your friend

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A Single StarlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora