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"bye bye kari, mom will come get you soon!" i whisper yell to my kid sister.

i walk in the front door and immediately feel my body warm up and start to sweat from the great change in temperature. i hear a knock and automatically know who it is.

"ethan!" i'm so happy to see him.

"my love, how are you on this wretched-freezing cold day?"

chuckling, i respond "i'm perfect now that you're here." he's all i ever think about. all i ever dream about. my ethan. my ethan. forever and always, is what he says. it's what i believe.

"i'm so glad to hear that babe."

"what do you wanna do today?" curiously i ask.

"just chill? maybe cuddle? i'm really tired, but whatever you want to do i'm totally down with."

"let's just watch movies, yeah? how about netflix?"

"perfect, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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