The Sighting

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Shane had pulled me in the water after I was in the water Shane looked at me with a devilish but hot look. We just swam there looking in too each other's eye's.

"You know I love you" said Shane grabbing my arm's.

"I know and you know I love you too" I said trying to stay a flout.

"Get a room." yelled Corry.

shay just layed in the spot I was in before I got pulled in the water. we swam up to the shore. I got out and went to my room and got changed in to my pj's. The guy's were outside trying to make a fire and Shane said we needed more fire wood so I said me and Shay would get stick's from the wood's, we talked and started talking about the guys.

"So why is Corry always so weird when me and Shane start getting love dovey?" I questioned Shay

" I don't know..... hes never seems to show he loves me" she said quietly.

"oh sorry i didnt know you felt like that about you and Corry" I said

"it's fine" she said as she picked up a bunch of sticks.

About an hour to hour an a half later I stared to hear sticks cracking in the distance I see a mass as well but I couldnt tell if it was an animal or a person. I showed Shay and she said it looked like both, it started to come near us and it started to look like it was armed like with a sword or something else.

"Shay....... Shay........ SHAY" I said trying to get her to turn around

she finally turned around

"WHAT IS THAT" she screamed

We turned around and ran with the sticks and headed back to the cabin we didn't want to drop the sticks because if we did we wouldn't have anymore wood to put on the fire. we finally got back to the cabin

"GET INSIDE" I yelled

"TURN THE LIGHTS OFF AND LEAVE THE FIRE" shay yelled pulling the guys in and locking the back door well I locked the front door. 

we ran in to the kitchen behind the counter, we hide there with the guys. I opened the door under the counter and me and shane slide in and hid, I opened the other one for shay and corry and the slide into the counter shay and Corry closed their door and me and Shane kept ours open a little just opened a crack so I could see the door. I could see a shadow just out the door and chains or something dragging along the ground. after that I just curled up in Shane's arms and fell asleep. I woke up and all I could hear was the chains of it dragging I could'nt really see it anymore it looked like it was going back to the forest. 

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