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Right, here we go.

Smut is a definite no, unless taken to PM or a different book. I don't want any of that in my book, and definitely don't want to see that anyways. I'm not even allowing timeskips. As soon as clothes start coming off in a state of intimacy, I want you in a different place other then this roleplay.
Romance, of course, is allowed! It's not an entirely romance based roleplay, but romance adds drama. And drama is yes! Shipping your character with other characters is also allowed, I mean, who wouldn't allow that? Though, you'd have to have the user's permission before shipping your character with theirs.
I want atleast one paragraph- one paragraph being five sentences- in each of your responses. This is such an important rule that the first password will be, I will give detailed and grammatically correct replies.
No making a Mary Sue or Gary Stu character. Everyone has flaws, alright? Your character will be no exception. To add on to this, I want unique, thoughtfully laid out characters. No boring 'Shy and innocent' or 'bad boy' crap. I want detailed character forms as well.
I have the right to refuse your form. It can get no simple then that, and if you refuse to abide by these rules, I'll ban you from the roleplay without warnings.
Don't be mean to other roleplayers. Nobody is going to want to roleplay with a bully- this is a very important rule. If I catch you making fun or hating on another roleplayer, I'll kick you out. Got it? Good.
THIS IS A FUTURISTIC ROLEPLAY, PEOPLE. Yes, there are intelligent phones and bots, as well as highly human-like AI. The technology and such will be explained in a different chapter.
I recommend you don't join this roleplay if you enjoy happy endings or rainbows and sunshine. No, there will be pain, sadness, and alot of gore- most likely. Monsters and scary creatures will be involved.
Cursing is allowed as long as you censor it. I don't want someone to be reported for such a stupid reason. Also, don't curse every other line unless it fits your character. Like an innocent guy wouldn't be cursing like no tomorrow.
Be creative and try and add drama! Be sure it makes sense with the plot, though. Enemies are highly recommended. It's always fun when two people are at each other's throats. Second password is your favorite book.

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